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sp; What [My Company] proposes to use are just good solid business sense, economies of scale, and the use of efficient financial techniques.  This will allow us the following options:

§  increase service


  increase advertising

§  reduce prices

§         increase profits

§         increase selection  


Through [my,our] leadership, [I,we] will be able to reduce overhead as a percentage of sales thereby ncreasing the amount of profit to be retained in the business.  What [My Company] proposes to use are just good solid business sense, economies of scale, and the use of efficient financial techniques.  This will allow us the following options:

§  increase customer service

§  increase advertising expenditures

§  increase profits

§  increase selection of services offered

This plan will give us tremendous flexibility to use any of these options or a mix of them to effectively attack our target markets and meet our long term goals.  This combination of experience, sophistication, capitalization and innovation will assist [My Company] as it strives to reach its sales, profit and return objectives.


Before [I/we] set the price for my complex widgets, [I/we] determined on a unit basis what my costs were going to be.  [I/we] then determined what the market price was for the normal widget.  At this price it was determined that for all but the lowest sales projections, this product would turn a profit at this price.  However, since our complex widgets offer additional features, we felt that we could price it approximately 50% above simple widgets.

To test this price, we called a database of 50 large users of simple widgets.  We first questioned them about the desirability of our extra features and then asked them directly if this price would be acceptable if such a product were available.  We found that 75% of those polled would be interested in this product.  Of this 75%, we received 10 firm orders representing approximately 30% of this group.

We have determined that the market price is $ XX per unit.  This will equal a margin of XX%.

Our unit cost has been figured at $XX.  We need a margin of XX% to pay our overhead and earn a sufficient profit.  Therefore, our selling price will be $XX.  


Before [I/we] set the price for our [service], [I/we] forecast what our fixed monthly costs were going to be.  [I/we] then determined what the market rate for comparable services were.  At this rate it was determined that for all but the lowest billing projections, this [Service] would turn a profit at this rate.

[Optional, if applicable]

However, since our service is unique and demands a higher level of expertise, we felt that we should bill above othe

r comparable rates.

Specific Markets
Market #1
General History


The first widget was introduced into the market in 1036.&


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