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bsp;我们肩负着中海腾飞的历史责任!     Youth have the power and potential to pursue great things; youth have the ability to achieve the very best in the world; youth have the fantastic mix of dreams, beliefs, diligence, industriousness, and capability to obtain what we set out to do. What a great feeling it is to be among the youth full of creativity and enthusiasm. What a great responsibility has been conferred on us!     赋予我们信任吧!我们将接过前辈的接力棒,殚精竭虑为中海的发展壮大而努力工作。用我们的青春,把中海的名字镌刻在世界一流航运企业的行列里,尽早把发展的蓝图变为腾飞的现实! 谢谢大家!     Give us trust and belief, we will do our best to make good reputation for China Shipping; let the name of China Shipping go into the first class of international shipping community; let the great blueprint come into reality at an early date! Thank you for your kind attention !(


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