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2012年小学生英语比赛演讲稿——Little Red Riding Hood

  2012年小学生英语比赛演讲稿——Little Red Riding Hood
  Little Red Riding Hood
  Hello,teachers.My name is WeiJiaTong. My name isVicky.I’m seven.I’m a girl.I like English stories. Today,I will tell you a story---《Little Red Riding Hood》.
  Here is a little house. She is a pretty girl.
  This is her grandmother. She likes to play with grandmother.
  A red hood for you.  Oh,thank you.
  She is now Little Red Riding Hood.
  One day,Grandmother got sick.
  Take some cookies and juice to grandmother.
  Yes.Be good,be careful.
  Yes mother.Goodbye mother.
  A big bad wolf.  Where are you going?
  To my grandmother’s house.  I want to eat them.
  Where does your grandmother live?   In the woods.
  Look,flowers.Flowers for your grandmother.
  Oh,what beautiful flowers!
  Little Red Riding Hood forgets wha mother said.
  The wolf goes to Grandmother’s house.Knock! Knock!
  Who is it?It’s me! Litlle Red Riding Hood!
  Come in !Come in!Oh,no! I will eat you !Oh,delicious!
  He waits for Little Red Riding Hood.Knock! Knock!
  Who is it? It’s me.Come in! Come in!
  Oh, what big ears. I can listen to your sweet voice.
  Oh, what big eyes! I can see your pretty face.
  Oh, what big hands! I can hug you, dear.
  What a big mouth! I can …eat you! Oh, no!
  He eats Litlle Red Riding Hood. I’m sleepy.
  A hunter hears the wolf. Who is it?  The wolf is sleeping.
  What a big stomach!
  Grandmother and Litlle Red Riding Hood are inside.I must hurrry.
  The scissors .Cut ,cut,cut. Thank you!
  The wolf is still sleeping. The put in stones. One,two,three…
  The sew.They wait.He wakes up.  My stomach is so heavy!
  You big bad wolf!  Help! Help! Don’t shoot!
  He runs out! He runs slowly. Whoops! He falls down.
  He can’t swim. The wolf is dead!
  Yeah! The hunter goes to town.
  Grandmother and Litlle Red Riding Hood have the cookies and juice.
  The have a good time.
  That’s all. Thank you. Goodbye.
  一年一班   韦佳彤

《2012年小学生英语比赛演讲稿——Little Red Riding Hood》

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