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局域网中利用Mobile Agent 完成信息的检索


                  李国巨    黄永忠    郭金庚

摘要:本文主要讲述了一个应用于局域网中的基于Mobile Agent技术的信息检索系统的模型结构和关键技术的实现方法。整个模型是建立在已有网络协议的基础上并且采用了分层结构,共分为四层:网络层、平台层、代理层、应用层。关键技术涉及Agent的基本结构、Agent的管理和通信、Agent的回调生成算法和安全问题。



li,guoju :  graduated student of PLA information engineering university , research  direction : object-orinted method

  huang,yongzhong : lecture of PLA information engineering university , research direction : software engineering

  guo,jingeng : doctor mentor of PAL information engineering university , research direction :object-orinted, databse)

Abstraction: In this paper ,we introduce the model and primary technique of an information search system which is used in LAN and based on Mobile Agent technique .The whole model based on the establish

《局域网中利用Mobile Agent 完成信息的检索》

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