nbsp; http://www.imesh.org/toolkit/
7 European Link Treasury. http://mother.lub.lu.se/ELT/index.html.en
8 Distributed National Electronic Resources. http://www.dner.ac.uk/
9 National Science, Math, Engineering and TechnologyEducation Digital Library.
10 张晓林.开放数字信息服务体系:概念、结构与技术.中国图书馆学报,2002(3)
11 ebXML. http://www.ebxml.org/
12 Web Services Activity. http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/
13 Bibliography on Evaluating Internet Resources.
14 Hofman P, Worsfold E. Selection Criteria for QualityControlled Information
Gateways. http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/DESIRE/quality/
15 ADAM Guidelines for the Selection of Resources forInclusion.
16 European Link Treasury Quality Assessment.
17 张晓林.元数据研究与应用.北京:北京图书馆出版社,2002
18 Dublin Core Metadata Element Set Version1.1: ReferenceDescription. 1999-07-02. http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/
19 IEEE Learning Object Metadata. http://Itsc. ieee.org/doc/wg12/LOM_WD6_3.pdf
20 Olson N B. Cataloguing Internet Resources: A Manualand Practical Guide. 2nd
edition. http://www.oclc.org/oclc/man/9256cat/toc.htm
21 Day M, Cliff P. RDN Cataloguing Guidelines. http://www.rdn.ac.uk/publications/cat-guide/
22 ROADS Cataloguing Guidelines. http://www.rdn.ac.uk/publications/cat-guide/#2
23 张晓林.描述知识组织体系的元数据.图书情报工作.2002(2)
24 Vocabulary Markup Language. &nbs 《学科信息门户中网络信息导航系统的规范建设(第6页)》
7 European Link Treasury. http://mother.lub.lu.se/ELT/index.html.en
8 Distributed National Electronic Resources. http://www.dner.ac.uk/
9 National Science, Math, Engineering and TechnologyEducation Digital Library.
10 张晓林.开放数字信息服务体系:概念、结构与技术.中国图书馆学报,2002(3)
11 ebXML. http://www.ebxml.org/
12 Web Services Activity. http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/
13 Bibliography on Evaluating Internet Resources.
14 Hofman P, Worsfold E. Selection Criteria for QualityControlled Information
Gateways. http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/DESIRE/quality/
15 ADAM Guidelines for the Selection of Resources forInclusion.
16 European Link Treasury Quality Assessment.
17 张晓林.元数据研究与应用.北京:北京图书馆出版社,2002
18 Dublin Core Metadata Element Set Version1.1: ReferenceDescription. 1999-07-02. http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/
19 IEEE Learning Object Metadata. http://Itsc. ieee.org/doc/wg12/LOM_WD6_3.pdf
20 Olson N B. Cataloguing Internet Resources: A Manualand Practical Guide. 2nd
edition. http://www.oclc.org/oclc/man/9256cat/toc.htm
21 Day M, Cliff P. RDN Cataloguing Guidelines. http://www.rdn.ac.uk/publications/cat-guide/
22 ROADS Cataloguing Guidelines. http://www.rdn.ac.uk/publications/cat-guide/#2
23 张晓林.描述知识组织体系的元数据.图书情报工作.2002(2)
24 Vocabulary Markup Language. &nbs 《学科信息门户中网络信息导航系统的规范建设(第6页)》