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weeks (mean 17.4 weeks) in 10 wo men, at 10~25 weeks (mean 24.0 weeks) in 24, and at 26~28 weeks (mean 27.6 weeks) in 19.The median latency periods to delivery were 72 days, 12 days, and 10 days when rupture of membranes occurred at 14~19 week s, 20~25 weeks, and 26~28 weeks, respectively.The overall incidence o f chorioamnionitis was 28%.There were no fetal deaths and nine neonatal deaths. When rupture of membranes occurred at 14~19 weeks, 20~25 wee ks,and 26~28 weeks, the perinatal survival rates were 40%,92% and,100% , respectively. Pulmonary hypoplasia accounted for seven deaths. Of the live-born infants, 81% were alive at 2 years of corrected age. Surviva l without major impairment was observed in 75%, 80%, and 100% of the su rvivors when rupture of membranes occurred at 14~19 weeks, 20~25 week s, and 26~28 weeks, respectively. Conclusion: Expectant management of second-trimester PROM offers better perinatal and long-term survival t han previously thought. (摘自Obstet Gynecol)


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