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     参 考 文 献
     (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23).(美)詹姆斯•奥康纳:《自然的理由》[M],南京:南京大学出版社2003年版,Ⅳ 、2、3~4、50、1、49、5~6、50、51、51、51~52、11、61、61、62~63、72、72、9、77、77、439~440。
     Culture,Nature and the Historical Materialist Conception
     ——the "Reconstuction" of Histotical Materialism
     introduced by Ecological Marxism
     Tao Huai-bin
     Abstract:Ecological Marxism is one of the most infuential trends of thought of modern western Marxism," Natural Causes ",which concerns ecological Marxism ,is a academically well-written work of American modern ecologist James O'Conner. such as " the passion to the earth ,the ethics of earth centrism and the living problems of the southern countries' origined inhabitants and peasants " are " theoretical emptiness " in Marxism .Therefore ,the author tried to find a pattern of methodology to combine the subject of culture and nature and the category of labour or material production of traditional Marxism .O'Co

nner's conclusion is that Marx stated his point of view at the state of pre-anthropology and he did'nt comprehend the true meaning of modern-anthropology .In fact ,it was impossible for him to construct historical materialism historically and genuinely .I personally consider that ,in the process of " searching for method ",James O'Conner has accomplished the " reconstruction " of historical materialism introduced by ecological Marxism.
     Key Words:ecological Marxism;ecological socialism;productive forces;production relations;culture;nature;social labour


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