nsaction Publishers, 1992, p108
④ Stan Le Roy Wilson, Mass Media/Mass Culture, 2nd edn, MaGraw-Hill, Inc, 1992, p5
⑤ John Storey, An Introduction to Cultural Theory & Popular Culture, 2ndedn, The University of Georgia Press,1998,p106
⑥ Andrew Miller, Contemporary Cultural Theory, UCL Press,1994,p35
⑦ FRLeavis & Denys Thompson, Culture and Environment, Greenwood Press,1977,pp3-5
⑧ Ibid
⑨ Len Master man, ‘Foreword: Media Education Revolution’, in Andrew Hart(ed),Teaching the Media: International Perspectives, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers,1998,viii
⑩ David Buckingham, ‘Media Educationin the UK: Moving Beyond Protectionism’, Journal of Communication, Winter 1998,pp33-4
⑾ SamuelL Becker, ‘Marxist Approaches to Media Studies: The British Experience’, Critical Studies in Mass Communication, vol1,1984,pp66-80
⑿ Raymond Williams, Culture and Society Columbia University Press,1958,p256
⒀ Stuart Hall & PWhannel, The Popular Arts, Hutchinson,1964
⒁ Robert EInnis, ‘Introduction’, in Robert Einnis(ed) Semiotics: An Introductory Anthology, Indiana University Press,1985,vii
⒂ Arthur Asa Berger,Signsin ContemporaryCulture: An Introduction to Semiotics, Longman,1984,ix
⒃ Graeme Burton, More Than Meets the Eye,2ndedn,Arnold,1997,p33
⒄ Stuart Hall, ‘Encoding/Decoding’, in SHall, DHobson, Alowe & Pwillis (eds) Culture, Media, Language, Hutchinson, 1980
⒅ Graeme Burton, More Than Meets the Eye, 2ndedn, Arnold, 1997, p64
⒆ NickLacey, Image and Representation, StMartin's Press, 1998, p68
⒇ M Gottdiener, ‘Hegemony and Mass Culture: A Semiotic Approcah’, American Journal of Sociology, 1985, Volume 90, Number5
(21) William G Christ & W James Potter, ‘MediaLiteracy, Media Education, and the Academy’, Journal of Connunication, Winter 1998,pp5-15
④ Stan Le Roy Wilson, Mass Media/Mass Culture, 2nd edn, MaGraw-Hill, Inc, 1992, p5
⑤ John Storey, An Introduction to Cultural Theory & Popular Culture, 2ndedn, The University of Georgia Press,1998,p106
⑥ Andrew Miller, Contemporary Cultural Theory, UCL Press,1994,p35
⑦ FRLeavis & Denys Thompson, Culture and Environment, Greenwood Press,1977,pp3-5
⑧ Ibid
⑨ Len Master man, ‘Foreword: Media Education Revolution’, in Andrew Hart(ed),Teaching the Media: International Perspectives, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers,1998,viii
⑩ David Buckingham, ‘Media Educationin the UK: Moving Beyond Protectionism’, Journal of Communication, Winter 1998,pp33-4
⑾ SamuelL Becker, ‘Marxist Approaches to Media Studies: The British Experience’, Critical Studies in Mass Communication, vol1,1984,pp66-80
⑿ Raymond Williams, Culture and Society Columbia University Press,1958,p256
⒀ Stuart Hall & PWhannel, The Popular Arts, Hutchinson,1964
⒁ Robert EInnis, ‘Introduction’, in Robert Einnis(ed) Semiotics: An Introductory Anthology, Indiana University Press,1985,vii
⒂ Arthur Asa Berger,Signsin ContemporaryCulture: An Introduction to Semiotics, Longman,1984,ix
⒃ Graeme Burton, More Than Meets the Eye,2ndedn,Arnold,1997,p33
⒄ Stuart Hall, ‘Encoding/Decoding’, in SHall, DHobson, Alowe & Pwillis (eds) Culture, Media, Language, Hutchinson, 1980
⒅ Graeme Burton, More Than Meets the Eye, 2ndedn, Arnold, 1997, p64
⒆ NickLacey, Image and Representation, StMartin's Press, 1998, p68
⒇ M Gottdiener, ‘Hegemony and Mass Culture: A Semiotic Approcah’, American Journal of Sociology, 1985, Volume 90, Number5
(21) William G Christ & W James Potter, ‘MediaLiteracy, Media Education, and the Academy’, Journal of Connunication, Winter 1998,pp5-15