七、结 语
正如《数字凤凰》的主编所宣称的,“哲学领域不时会发生一些大的运动。这些运动始于若干简单但却非常丰富的思想棗这些思想为哲学家提供了审视哲学问题的新透镜。渐渐地,哲学方法和问题得到了提炼并根据这些新观念获得理解。随着新颖而有意义的哲学成果的获得,运动发展成一股蔓延至整个学科的知识浪潮。一个新的哲学范式涌现了……计算便为哲学提供了这么一套简单而又令人难以置信的丰富观念棗新颖而又演变着的为哲学探究所准备的主题、方法和模式。计算为传统的哲学活动带来了新的机遇和挑战……计算正在改变着哲学家理解那些哲学基础和概念的方式……哲学探究中的这股思潮吸收了根据计算的主题、方法或模式,正稳定地迈向前方。”(Bynum and Moor 1998, p. 1.)像凤凰涅磐一样,哲学获得了新生,这门新的哲学范式便是信息哲学。
Bynum T. W. and Moor, J. H. (eds.) 1998, The Digital Phoenix: How Computers are Changing Philosophy, Oxford: Blackwell.
Dennett, D. C. and Haugeland, J. 1987, Intentionality, in R. L. Gregory (ed.) The Oxford Companion to the Mind, Oxford: OUP.
Donovan, P. 2001,Smith gets $2 million research award, University of Buffalo Reporter, Vol. 33, No. 9.
Dummett, M. 1993, The Origin of Analytic Philosophy, London: Duckworth.
Evans, G. 1982, The Varieties of Reference, Oxford: OUP.
Floridi, L. 1999, Philosophy and Computing: An Introduction, London-New York: Routledge.
Floridi, L. 2002a, “What is the Philosophy of Information?” Metaphilosophy,&n
Floridi, L. 2002b, On the Foundation of the Philosophy of Information, in his website at http://www.wolfson.ox.ac.uk/~floridi/. ;Visited on August 10, 2002.
Floridi, L. (ed.) 2003, Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Computing and Information, Oxford: Blackwell (forthcoming).
Hacker, P. M. S. 2001, 江怡译,“分析哲学:内容、历史与走向”,载陈波《分析哲学—回顾与反省》,四川教育出版社,第29-58页。
IACAP 2001, A brief history of CAP and IACAP, Official website at http://iacap.org/about/history.htm. ;Visited on August 10, 2002.
IACAP 2002, Calls for Papers and Presentations (Minds and Machines: Special Issue on the Philosophy of Information), Official website at http://iacap.org/communications/announcements/cfps/5.htm. ;Visited on August 10, 2002.
七、结 语
正如《数字凤凰》的主编所宣称的,“哲学领域不时会发生一些大的运动。这些运动始于若干简单但却非常丰富的思想棗这些思想为哲学家提供了审视哲学问题的新透镜。渐渐地,哲学方法和问题得到了提炼并根据这些新观念获得理解。随着新颖而有意义的哲学成果的获得,运动发展成一股蔓延至整个学科的知识浪潮。一个新的哲学范式涌现了……计算便为哲学提供了这么一套简单而又令人难以置信的丰富观念棗新颖而又演变着的为哲学探究所准备的主题、方法和模式。计算为传统的哲学活动带来了新的机遇和挑战……计算正在改变着哲学家理解那些哲学基础和概念的方式……哲学探究中的这股思潮吸收了根据计算的主题、方法或模式,正稳定地迈向前方。”(Bynum and Moor 1998, p. 1.)像凤凰涅磐一样,哲学获得了新生,这门新的哲学范式便是信息哲学。
Bynum T. W. and Moor, J. H. (eds.) 1998, The Digital Phoenix: How Computers are Changing Philosophy, Oxford: Blackwell.
Dennett, D. C. and Haugeland, J. 1987, Intentionality, in R. L. Gregory (ed.) The Oxford Companion to the Mind, Oxford: OUP.
Donovan, P. 2001,Smith gets $2 million research award, University of Buffalo Reporter, Vol. 33, No. 9.
Dummett, M. 1993, The Origin of Analytic Philosophy, London: Duckworth.
Evans, G. 1982, The Varieties of Reference, Oxford: OUP.
Floridi, L. 1999, Philosophy and Computing: An Introduction, London-New York: Routledge.
Floridi, L. 2002a, “What is the Philosophy of Information?” Metaphilosophy,&n
bsp;special issue edited by T. W. Bynum and J. H. Moor with the title CyberPhilosophy: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing, volume 33, issues 1/2, January, pp. 123-145.
Floridi, L. 2002b, On the Foundation of the Philosophy of Information, in his website at http://www.wolfson.ox.ac.uk/~floridi/. ;Visited on August 10, 2002.
Floridi, L. (ed.) 2003, Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Computing and Information, Oxford: Blackwell (forthcoming).
Hacker, P. M. S. 2001, 江怡译,“分析哲学:内容、历史与走向”,载陈波《分析哲学—回顾与反省》,四川教育出版社,第29-58页。
IACAP 2001, A brief history of CAP and IACAP, Official website at http://iacap.org/about/history.htm. ;Visited on August 10, 2002.
IACAP 2002, Calls for Papers and Presentations (Minds and Machines: Special Issue on the Philosophy of Information), Official website at http://iacap.org/communications/announcements/cfps/5.htm. ;Visited on August 10, 2002.