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WANG Wei-guo,  GUO Bao-long


School of Mechano-Electronic Engineering,Xidian Univ.,Xi’an 710071)

Abstract  With the extensive application of internet and image,some new requirements on image coding,such as high compression rate ,pregressive codec,and compression from lossy to lossless ,are to be satisfied.These functions can be performed well by EZW(Embedded Zerotree Wavelets) coding.On the bases of EZW,many newly improved algorithms have been developed in recent years.They can illustrated by algorithms like SPIHT(Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees),SPECK(Set Partitioned Embedded block coder),In this paper,the writer discusses the principles and performances of these algorithms,thus explains the research tendency in the area of embedded image coding.

Keywords  Image coding,Embedded,Zerotree,Wavelet transform

0. 引言

在基于小波变换的图象压缩方案中,嵌入式零树小波 EZW(Embedded Zerotree Wavelets)[1]编码很好地利用小波系数的特性使得输出的码流具有嵌入特性。它的重要性排序和分级量化的思想被许多编码算法所采用。近年来,

在对EZW改进的基础上,提出了许多新的性能更好的算法,如多级树集合分裂算法(SPIHT :Set Partitioning In Hierarchical


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