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⑧ [德]克林凯特. 丝绸古道上的文化[M]. 乌鲁木齐:新疆美术摄影出版社,1994年。
⑨ 黄利平,康薇,周劲思,李景华. 足迹从丝路延伸[M]. 北京:人民日报出版社。
Dissemination of Chinese civilization on the ancient Silk Road
HA Yan-qiu
(Beijing Broadcasting Institute, Beijing, 100024)
Abstract: Ancient Silk Road has become a history, but the collisions of the oriental civilization with occidental civilization it kicked off have promoted the development of human history by learning and absorbing the nutrition, beneficial to their own cultural development from each other. By means of media analysis, control analysis, content analysis and effect analysis, this article tries to demonstrate the splendid picture that ancient Chinese civilization was disseminated down through the Silk Road and the conclusion drawn is that civilization grows in the course of disseminating. Also, it is inferred from the article that modern Chinese civilization will be revitalized on the ancient Silk Road in the process of western development.



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