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0, 2003
WAY back in 1972, before most 18-year-olds had the vote and anyone under 30 had been born, almost five in 10 Australians aged between 18 and 29 said they read a newspaper every day. Today the figure is one in five, and experts say it will be one in 10 by 2010.

Editor to publisher: We have a problem.
Around the world the flight of the younger reader is being charted, debated and, in a few key experiments, fought. The battle is not made easier by the absence of a firm starting point: are young people refusing to engage with daily newspapers because they have little interest in reading – lured away by fast-moving graphic sites on the internet, computer games and television? Or is it that they have little interest in news – it being incessantly gloomy, largely irrelevant (in the absence of, say, conscription) and utterly outside their sphere of influence?

Or is it both? Or a combination of these and many other factors?
Whatever the answer, the problem is real. A study of Morgan readership trends in Australia from 1991 to 2002 shows young people are moving away from newspaper readership, with a steady decline in readership and reach for almost all newspapers among 14-to-24 year-olds. Over the decade, Monday-to-Friday readership was down 30 per cent, Saturday readership down 16 per cent, and Sunday readership down 11 per cent.
The 25-to-34 and 35-to-44 year-old age groups also showed a move away from weekday newspapers (readership down 19 per cent each). These age groups showed a similar level of declining readership for Saturday newspapers (down 5 per cent and 4 per cent respectively).
The one bright spot is that Sunday readership among 25-to-34 year-olds remained steady, while readership among 35-to-44 year-olds increased by 12 per cent.
Faced with these and similar figures globally, publishers of English-language newspapers are watching events in London, Melbourne and Chicago closely for cl


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