to be a paper of record, is in touch with pop culture and is not afraid to be adventurous.
"It's a terrific example of what young people can do if you give them the challenge," Blunden says. "It looks right and it feels right. "
MX is a subs' paper. Thirteen of the staff of 25 are sub-editors, whose job it is to distil stories from the six staff reporters (all in their 20s), wires and other non-conventional sources, such as websites, and give them a heavy cut, a light polish and a glib head. Even standard features carry smart lines. There's nothing like "Your Stars" for the daily horoscopes – it's "Should I get out of bed today?"
"We want it to be quick and catchy," says editor Mark Gardy. "We want it to be light and bright, positive and balanced about the news of the day and informative about our readers' nights – what's worth watching on TV, what are the movies, where are the best bars.
"There's no comment; no leaders; no lectures. It's important that we don't dictate to our readers because they won't be dictated to."
This sophisticated independence of the youth audience – or a refusal to be patronised – was also quickly apparent in Chicago. The two Reds waded into the market proclaiming their youth credentials, but met with resistance.
Critics called them turgid and unexciting. Writing in Salon.com, Jack Shafer said: "The less said about the two papers the better. At 25c a copy they are both overpriced, slicing the news so thin the servings wouldn't even make a meal for an anorexic. In the race between bad and worse, who needs to declare a winner?"
Co-editor Joe Knowles told Media: "While we very much want to attract young readers, we're backing out of the 18-to-34-label trap. It's too exclusive. I say let the readers decide if Red Eye suits them, whatever their age.
"We do skew younger in terms of the kinds of pop culture we cover, because it helps distinguish us from the Tribune, which devot 《报纸业的新一轮出击(第5页)》
"It's a terrific example of what young people can do if you give them the challenge," Blunden says. "It looks right and it feels right. "
MX is a subs' paper. Thirteen of the staff of 25 are sub-editors, whose job it is to distil stories from the six staff reporters (all in their 20s), wires and other non-conventional sources, such as websites, and give them a heavy cut, a light polish and a glib head. Even standard features carry smart lines. There's nothing like "Your Stars" for the daily horoscopes – it's "Should I get out of bed today?"
"We want it to be quick and catchy," says editor Mark Gardy. "We want it to be light and bright, positive and balanced about the news of the day and informative about our readers' nights – what's worth watching on TV, what are the movies, where are the best bars.
"There's no comment; no leaders; no lectures. It's important that we don't dictate to our readers because they won't be dictated to."
This sophisticated independence of the youth audience – or a refusal to be patronised – was also quickly apparent in Chicago. The two Reds waded into the market proclaiming their youth credentials, but met with resistance.
Critics called them turgid and unexciting. Writing in Salon.com, Jack Shafer said: "The less said about the two papers the better. At 25c a copy they are both overpriced, slicing the news so thin the servings wouldn't even make a meal for an anorexic. In the race between bad and worse, who needs to declare a winner?"
Co-editor Joe Knowles told Media: "While we very much want to attract young readers, we're backing out of the 18-to-34-label trap. It's too exclusive. I say let the readers decide if Red Eye suits them, whatever their age.
"We do skew younger in terms of the kinds of pop culture we cover, because it helps distinguish us from the Tribune, which devot 《报纸业的新一轮出击(第5页)》