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so true that they tend to rediscover the habit when they get a home of their own, kids, and responsibilities.
"This is called the consolidation phase, and it's happening later these days. People marry later, have families later, and spend more time moving about before they settle down. Research shows these readers are not lost – 90 per cent of them read a paper in any week. The reading habit is strong, but not frequent at that age.
"The issues for publishers include making sure you don't leave your papers in the hands of baby boomers forever – most newsroom leadership today is baby boomer – and at Fairfax we have a quite aggressive program of taking on young trainees in their 20s, with a bit of life experience, and saying to them: 'We want you to reflect our values of accuracy and good journalism, but we also want you to exert your influence, bring to us your perspectives.'
"It's all about relevance and the content mix. We target people who are engaged with their community, and we seek high-quality news relevant to those people. It's not brain surgery."
Mark Day: Luring the young and the restless



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