《WTO 政府采购协定》对国内政府采购制度的影响及挑战
《WTO 政府采购协定》对国内政府采购制度的影响及挑战
Up till now, the regulation system of government procurement has just got its life, so studying and learning the international government procurement law seems so necessary that we must do it immediately. This article from the view of the aim, the scope and the manner and its use scope of the government procurement act compare and analyze the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) and the Model law of procurement on goods projects and services issued by the United Nations Community on Trade Act. After the joining of the World Trade Organization (WTO), it will be the subject of time for china to sign the GPA and open the government procurement market toward the world. So something must be done in our legislation to prepare for it, the regulation in of basic system and its running rule should fit the common require of international procurement law. But before we sign the GPA, we should use the system of government procurement as a good trade vallation which can provide some developing or important industry with legal protection from the foreign competition. To decide the scope in which the procurement law should applicable, we should start our view from the procurement items, and analyze by these standards: whether the fund for the item is public; whether the item is competitive; whether the item is for commonweal. The manners of the government procurement and their use is the top subject in the system. To fit the goal of our government procurement, we should put the emphases on the manners which is open competitive and well regulated. Other manners should be limited to ensure the system and concept form healthily. For each manner, it should be clarified when and where the manner can come into use. So each manner can be use exactly. After china open its procurement market, more attention should be taken on those uncompetitive manners because they are legal trade vallation.
政府采购是指国家机关或公共事业单位及其授权的组织为了公共利益或自身机构的运转或职能的需要而使用公共资金进行的对货物、工程和服务的采购行为。政府采购制度的推行,是公共消费领域的一种制度性的创新,堪称是一场革命。目前,该制度已经成为多数国家管理公共支出的重要手段,在社会经济生活中起着举足轻重的作用。由于政府采购的采购主体主要是各国的中央及地方政府, 所以采购的金额往往十分巨大,一般要占到一国的国民生产总值的10%-15%,所以各国的政府采购占据了本国贸易的一大块市场。在过去的一百多年中,政府采购作为一种制度在一些发达国家得到了很好的发展和完善。相应地,这些国家都建立起了较为完善的政府采购法律体系。随着经济全球化和世界经济一体化发展的不断深入,政府采购已经慢慢演变成了国际贸易的一块重要阵地。为了规范政府采购制度和统一政府采购市场,一些国际组织起草了一些国际性的政府采购法律文件。其中较为重要的要数世界贸易组织的《政府采购协定》和联合国贸易法委员会的
《政府采购协定》(Government Pro 《《WTO 政府采购协定》对国内政府采购制度的影响及挑战》
Up till now, the regulation system of government procurement has just got its life, so studying and learning the international government procurement law seems so necessary that we must do it immediately. This article from the view of the aim, the scope and the manner and its use scope of the government procurement act compare and analyze the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) and the Model law of procurement on goods projects and services issued by the United Nations Community on Trade Act. After the joining of the World Trade Organization (WTO), it will be the subject of time for china to sign the GPA and open the government procurement market toward the world. So something must be done in our legislation to prepare for it, the regulation in of basic system and its running rule should fit the common require of international procurement law. But before we sign the GPA, we should use the system of government procurement as a good trade vallation which can provide some developing or important industry with legal protection from the foreign competition. To decide the scope in which the procurement law should applicable, we should start our view from the procurement items, and analyze by these standards: whether the fund for the item is public; whether the item is competitive; whether the item is for commonweal. The manners of the government procurement and their use is the top subject in the system. To fit the goal of our government procurement, we should put the emphases on the manners which is open competitive and well regulated. Other manners should be limited to ensure the system and concept form healthily. For each manner, it should be clarified when and where the manner can come into use. So each manner can be use exactly. After china open its procurement market, more attention should be taken on those uncompetitive manners because they are legal trade vallation.
政府采购是指国家机关或公共事业单位及其授权的组织为了公共利益或自身机构的运转或职能的需要而使用公共资金进行的对货物、工程和服务的采购行为。政府采购制度的推行,是公共消费领域的一种制度性的创新,堪称是一场革命。目前,该制度已经成为多数国家管理公共支出的重要手段,在社会经济生活中起着举足轻重的作用。由于政府采购的采购主体主要是各国的中央及地方政府, 所以采购的金额往往十分巨大,一般要占到一国的国民生产总值的10%-15%,所以各国的政府采购占据了本国贸易的一大块市场。在过去的一百多年中,政府采购作为一种制度在一些发达国家得到了很好的发展和完善。相应地,这些国家都建立起了较为完善的政府采购法律体系。随着经济全球化和世界经济一体化发展的不断深入,政府采购已经慢慢演变成了国际贸易的一块重要阵地。为了规范政府采购制度和统一政府采购市场,一些国际组织起草了一些国际性的政府采购法律文件。其中较为重要的要数世界贸易组织的《政府采购协定》和联合国贸易法委员会的
《政府采购协定》(Government Pro 《《WTO 政府采购协定》对国内政府采购制度的影响及挑战》