(New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1990)
(14)圣鞠斯特,1793年5月15日,《圣鞠斯特全集》,M.迪瓦尔编(巴黎:Gerard Lebovici出版社,1984年),444页。(Saint-Just, 15 May 1793, in Saint-Just, Qeuvrescompletes, ed. M. Duval (Paris: Gerard Lebovici, 1984), 444)
(15)1793年4月30日会议,引自罗森塔尔《美国与法国》,280页。Session of 30 April 1793, quoted in Rosenthal, America and France, (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press,1990) 280
(17)约翰.达尔贝格-阿克顿《法国革命演讲录》菲吉斯编,32页。John Dalberg-Acton, Lectures on the French Revolution, ed. John Neville Figgis (London: Macmillan, 1917, 26)
(18)罗伯斯比尔,1792年12月3日的演讲,参见沃尔泽编的《弑君与革命:路易十六审判庭上的演讲》133页。Robespierre,speech of 3 December 1792, in Michael Walzer, ed. Regicide and Revolution: Speeches at the Trialof Louis XVI, 133,. (Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1974)
(19)博絮埃论法兰西之团结:从《圣经》相应词句中吸取而成的政策(日内瓦:德罗兹出版社,1967年)Bossuet, Politique
tiree des propres paroles de l\'ecriture sainte
(Geneva: Droz, 1967), Bk. 2, 54.
(20)西哀士《第三等级是什么》,查普利编,第5章183页。Sieyes, Quest ce que le tiers etat?, ed. Roberto Zapperi, (Geneva: Droz, 1970) ch.5, 183
(21)海登斯,引自Debbasch《革命原则》203页。Hydens quoted by Debbasch, Le Principe revolutionnaire, 203 (Paris: Economica, 1988)
(22)托克威尔《片断与按语》,2:133。,L\'Ancien Regime et la Revolution: Fragments et Notes inedites sur la Revolution, ed. Andre Jardin, Tocqueville, Oeuvres completes (Paris: Gallimard, 1953) 2:133
(23)麦迪逊关于理性与党争的论述:见《联邦党人文集》第10篇,55页。(Madison on reason and on factions: Federalist No.10, 55)
(24)麦迪逊,1833年“关于多数人政府的一封草拟信”,引自《建国者的精神:詹姆斯.麦迪逊的政治思想资源》,马文.迈尔斯编(新罕布什尔州汉诺威:新英格兰大学出版,1981),415。(Madison, 1833, draft of a letter on majority governments, in The Mind of the Founder: Sources of the Political Thought of James Madison, ed. Marvin Meyers (Hanover, N. H.: University Pressof New England, 1981), 415
(25)麦迪逊《联邦党人文集》,第10篇,55页。 (Madison, Federalist No.10, 55)
(26)见埃德蒙.S.摩根“美国革命的冲突与一致”,来自《美国革命论文集》,斯蒂芬.G.库尔兹和詹姆斯.H.赫特森编,(查普尔-希尔:北卡罗莱纳大学,早期美国历史文化学院出版社,1973年),309页。(Edmund S. Morgan, “Conflict and Consensus in the American Revolution,” in Essays on the American Revolution, ed. Stephen G. Kurts and James H. Hutson. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press for the Institute of Early American History and Culture, 1973), 309.
(28)麦迪逊给杰斐逊的信,1790年2月4日,引自拉特兰等人编《麦迪逊文集》,13:19-20。Madison to Jefferson, 4 February 1790, in Robert A. Rutland et al., eds., Madison Papers,(Charlottesville: University Pressof Virginia, 1983) 13:19-20
(29)埃利奥特编《几个州议会的辩论》,3:98。Jonathan Elliot, ed., The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federalist Constitution, (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1937) 3:98.
(30)麦迪逊《联邦党人文集》第49篇,329页。 (Madison, Federalist No.49, 329)
(31)杰斐逊给萨缪尔.克切瓦尔的信,1816年7月12日,《杰斐逊作品集》彼得森编,1402页。Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval, 12 July 1816, in Jefferson Writings, ed. Merrill Peterson, (The Library of America, 1984) 1402
(32)参见杰斐逊在1788年2月2日写给威廉斯.史密斯的信,博伊德编著.,《杰斐逊文集》,12:558。Jefferson to William S. Smith, 2 February 1788, in Julian P. Boyd, ed., Jefferson Papers, (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1958) 12:558
(33)伯恩斯《民主的困境》,46页。James Mac Gregor Burns, The Deadlock of Democracy, 46 (Englewood Cliffs
(14)圣鞠斯特,1793年5月15日,《圣鞠斯特全集》,M.迪瓦尔编(巴黎:Gerard Lebovici出版社,1984年),444页。(Saint-Just, 15 May 1793, in Saint-Just, Qeuvrescompletes, ed. M. Duval (Paris: Gerard Lebovici, 1984), 444)
(15)1793年4月30日会议,引自罗森塔尔《美国与法国》,280页。Session of 30 April 1793, quoted in Rosenthal, America and France, (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press,1990) 280
-阿克顿《法国革命演讲录》,John Neville Figgis编,(伦敦:麦克米伦出版社,1916年),26页。John Dalberg-Acton, Lectures on the French Revolution, ed. John Neville Figgis. (London: Macmillan, 1917, 26)
(17)约翰.达尔贝格-阿克顿《法国革命演讲录》菲吉斯编,32页。John Dalberg-Acton, Lectures on the French Revolution, ed. John Neville Figgis (London: Macmillan, 1917, 26)
(18)罗伯斯比尔,1792年12月3日的演讲,参见沃尔泽编的《弑君与革命:路易十六审判庭上的演讲》133页。Robespierre,speech of 3 December 1792, in Michael Walzer, ed. Regicide and Revolution: Speeches at the Trialof Louis XVI, 133,. (Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1974)
(19)博絮埃论法兰西之团结:从《圣经》相应词句中吸取而成的政策(日内瓦:德罗兹出版社,1967年)Bossuet, Politique
tiree des propres paroles de l\'ecriture sainte
(Geneva: Droz, 1967), Bk. 2, 54.
(20)西哀士《第三等级是什么》,查普利编,第5章183页。Sieyes, Quest ce que le tiers etat?, ed. Roberto Zapperi, (Geneva: Droz, 1970) ch.5, 183
(21)海登斯,引自Debbasch《革命原则》203页。Hydens quoted by Debbasch, Le Principe revolutionnaire, 203 (Paris: Economica, 1988)
(22)托克威尔《片断与按语》,2:133。,L\'Ancien Regime et la Revolution: Fragments et Notes inedites sur la Revolution, ed. Andre Jardin, Tocqueville, Oeuvres completes (Paris: Gallimard, 1953) 2:133
(23)麦迪逊关于理性与党争的论述:见《联邦党人文集》第10篇,55页。(Madison on reason and on factions: Federalist No.10, 55)
(24)麦迪逊,1833年“关于多数人政府的一封草拟信”,引自《建国者的精神:詹姆斯.麦迪逊的政治思想资源》,马文.迈尔斯编(新罕布什尔州汉诺威:新英格兰大学出版,1981),415。(Madison, 1833, draft of a letter on majority governments, in The Mind of the Founder: Sources of the Political Thought of James Madison, ed. Marvin Meyers (Hanover, N. H.: University Pressof New England, 1981), 415
(25)麦迪逊《联邦党人文集》,第10篇,55页。 (Madison, Federalist No.10, 55)
(26)见埃德蒙.S.摩根“美国革命的冲突与一致”,来自《美国革命论文集》,斯蒂芬.G.库尔兹和詹姆斯.H.赫特森编,(查普尔-希尔:北卡罗莱纳大学,早期美国历史文化学院出版社,1973年),309页。(Edmund S. Morgan, “Conflict and Consensus in the American Revolution,” in Essays on the American Revolution, ed. Stephen G. Kurts and James H. Hutson. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press for the Institute of Early American History and Culture, 1973), 309.
(28)麦迪逊给杰斐逊的信,1790年2月4日,引自拉特兰等人编《麦迪逊文集》,13:19-20。Madison to Jefferson, 4 February 1790, in Robert A. Rutland et al., eds., Madison Papers,(Charlottesville: University Pressof Virginia, 1983) 13:19-20
(29)埃利奥特编《几个州议会的辩论》,3:98。Jonathan Elliot, ed., The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federalist Constitution, (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1937) 3:98.
(30)麦迪逊《联邦党人文集》第49篇,329页。 (Madison, Federalist No.49, 329)
(31)杰斐逊给萨缪尔.克切瓦尔的信,1816年7月12日,《杰斐逊作品集》彼得森编,1402页。Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval, 12 July 1816, in Jefferson Writings, ed. Merrill Peterson, (The Library of America, 1984) 1402
(32)参见杰斐逊在1788年2月2日写给威廉斯.史密斯的信,博伊德编著.,《杰斐逊文集》,12:558。Jefferson to William S. Smith, 2 February 1788, in Julian P. Boyd, ed., Jefferson Papers, (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1958) 12:558
(33)伯恩斯《民主的困境》,46页。James Mac Gregor Burns, The Deadlock of Democracy, 46 (Englewood Cliffs
, N. 《近代革命与人性改造(第7页)》