ntract, the contract shall become null and void automatically.
本句的原文似乎没有什么难懂的地方,但请注意:这里的“从合同生效之日起”,不能译成:"from the date of signature",因为合同双方授权的代表在技术转让合同上的签字日期,并不是合同生效日期,合同的生效日期往往是最后一方政府当局的批准日期,所以应该译为: "from the effective date of the contract";“有效期满后”中的介词译文用 "after"显得范围有些大,用 "on"来代替可以弥补这一不足;“有效期”在法律英文中的“行话”,应是 "the term of validity" 经过校改,全句译为"The contract shall be valid for ⅩⅩ years from the effective date of the contract, the contract shall become null and void automatically on the expiry of the contract's term of validity.
“Party B guarantees that he is the legitimate owner of the know-how and Technical Documentation supplied to Party A in accordance with the contract, and that he has the right to transfer them to party A, If the third party accuses Party B of infringement, Party B shall take up the matter with the third party and bear all the legal and economic responsibility arising therefrom.
"Party B guarantees that he...", 这句的宾语从句中的主语用he显得有些含混,应重复 "Party B"。第二, "supplied to Party A",应在分词 supplied 后加译"by party B" ,使全句完整明晰。第三,"in accordance with the contract" 这句原文的含义是指‘按合同中规定的条款“,所以应改成"in accordance with the stipulation of the contract",才能体现出与原文的一致性。第四, "he has the right to transfer them to party A" 这句译文不大象“行话”,况且句中的两个代词也应换成名词,在英文合同文件中,出现过的名词尽量不用代词代替。“乙方有权向甲方转让”改译为"party B is lawfully in a position to transfer...",更强调乙方对以上技术和资料占有的绝对合法性。此句应译成: "party B is lawfully in a position to transfer the know-how
三、 结束语
本句的原文似乎没有什么难懂的地方,但请注意:这里的“从合同生效之日起”,不能译成:"from the date of signature",因为合同双方授权的代表在技术转让合同上的签字日期,并不是合同生效日期,合同的生效日期往往是最后一方政府当局的批准日期,所以应该译为: "from the effective date of the contract";“有效期满后”中的介词译文用 "after"显得范围有些大,用 "on"来代替可以弥补这一不足;“有效期”在法律英文中的“行话”,应是 "the term of validity" 经过校改,全句译为"The contract shall be valid for ⅩⅩ years from the effective date of the contract, the contract shall become null and void automatically on the expiry of the contract's term of validity.
“Party B guarantees that he is the legitimate owner of the know-how and Technical Documentation supplied to Party A in accordance with the contract, and that he has the right to transfer them to party A, If the third party accuses Party B of infringement, Party B shall take up the matter with the third party and bear all the legal and economic responsibility arising therefrom.
"Party B guarantees that he...", 这句的宾语从句中的主语用he显得有些含混,应重复 "Party B"。第二, "supplied to Party A",应在分词 supplied 后加译"by party B" ,使全句完整明晰。第三,"in accordance with the contract" 这句原文的含义是指‘按合同中规定的条款“,所以应改成"in accordance with the stipulation of the contract",才能体现出与原文的一致性。第四, "he has the right to transfer them to party A" 这句译文不大象“行话”,况且句中的两个代词也应换成名词,在英文合同文件中,出现过的名词尽量不用代词代替。“乙方有权向甲方转让”改译为"party B is lawfully in a position to transfer...",更强调乙方对以上技术和资料占有的绝对合法性。此句应译成: "party B is lawfully in a position to transfer the know-how
and Technical Documentation to party A"。第五, "If the third party accuses party B of infringement". 这个句子明显有两处错译;(1)"the third party"仿佛给人一种甲乙双方都已知道的“第三方”,应改为 "any/a third party",(2) "to accuse sb of sth",一般是指控诉某人触犯刑律,而这句中的“指控”仅指一般的民事侵权,故应改译为 "to bring a charge of infringement". 第六,"party B shall take up the matter with the third party" 。此译文中的"take up sth with sb" ,是指“口头或书面向某人提出某事”,没能确切地传译出原文的“由乙方负责与第三方交涉”。应改译成:"party B shall be responsible for dealing with the third party". 第七,"bear all the legal and economic responsibility arising therefrom". 这句译文看上去是没有问题的,但译者在校改时,不能只停留在语言的表层上,一定要进入语言的深层,其实该译文至少有两处不妥;(1)“全部责任”,指得是“由于上述原因而发生的乙方应承担的责任”,所以“全部”应选用"full"不用"all";(2)合同中的“经济责任”主要指“合同当事人在违约时应承担的财产责任”,因此这句中的 "economic responsibility" 应改译为:"financial responsibility"最后的"... responsibility arising therefrom"中的分词短语最好改用含有情态意义的从句,因为改用从句才能传译出发生承担上述责任是一种“或然性”而不是“必然性”,故译成: "...responsibility which may arise"
三、 结束语