人在领受上帝的恩典之前是不可能有这种圣爱的。但是,一旦人领受了圣灵赐下的爱,便能够以上帝的爱来爱上帝、自己和邻人。 本章的第五部分讨论 了爱的秩序。我们特别从奥古斯丁对“享用”与“使用”的区分阐明了奥古斯丁对爱上帝、爱自己和爱邻人的见解。
根据以上的论述,我们可以得出这样的结论: 欲爱和圣爱在奥古斯丁的思想中并不冲突。从创造论的角度来说,奥古斯丁的秩序论中所阐发的爱具有明显的柏拉图主义特征。这种爱是欲爱。欲爱作为人在本体结构上对上帝的渴求,推动着人们去寻求上帝。从某种意义上说,正是柏拉图式的欲爱把奥古斯丁引到了基督的面前。欲爱对于他成了接受上帝恩典(圣爱)的预备。但是,奥古斯丁后来清楚地意识到,从救赎论的角度来看,欲爱自身不能被作为一种拯救的方式。人的拯救只能藉着基督在十字架上彰显的圣爱。
注 释:
1、The City of God, VIII, 8.
2、Confessions, 7. 9.
3、The Essential Augustine, p.58.
4、A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Vol. I, p. 107, ft. 6.
6、Etienne Gilson, History of Christian Thougnt in the Middle Ages, p.?
7、Confessions, VII, 9.
8、Augustine, On the Magnitude of the Soul, c
9、The City of God, XIX, 13, p.938.
10、Ibid, XIX, 12, p.937.
11、Miikka Ruokanen, Theology of Social Life in Augustine’s De civitate Dei, p.31.
12、Etienne Gilson, The Christian Philosophy of Saint Augustine, p.130.
13、The City of God, XIX, 13, p.939.
14、cf. Gilson, The Christian Philosophy of Saint Augustine, p.132.
15、The City of God, V, 8, p.197.
16、cf. The City of God, XIV, 13, p. 608-609.
17、Confessions, XIII, 9.
18、Gilson, The Christian Philosophy of Saint Augustine,p.135.
19、Augustine, Eighty-three Different Questions, 35. 1&2 , cited from Hannah Arendt’s Love and Saint Augustine, p.9.
20、The Essential Augustine, p. 151.
21、The City of God, X, I, p.390.
22、Confessions, I, 1.
23、Of the Morals of the Catholic Church, chap.III, 42.
24、The Essential Augustine, p.152.
25、Ibid, p.152.
26、Ibid, p.152.
27、Of the Morals of the Catholic Church, chap.III, 42.
28、On Order,II,50,cited from Creswell’s St.Augustine’s Delimma, p.13.
29、On Order, II, 47, St. Augustine’s Delimma, p.12.
30、On Trinity, 8,9,10.
31、Ibid, 8,9,13.
32、Cf. O’Dovovan’s The Problem of Self-love in St. Augustine, p.18.
33、Hannah Arendt, Love and Saint Augustine, p. 46.
34、Miikka Ruokanen, Theology of Social Life in Augustine’s De civitate Dei, p47-48.
35、Jonh Burnaby, Amor Dei, p.168.
36、Epistle,127,1, Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Vol.?
37、Cf. The City of God, VII, 31.
38、Sermon XCV, 4.
39、Nygren, Agape and Eros, p.525.
40、On Trinity, XV, 31.
41、Contra Faustrum, XXII, 27.
人在领受上帝的恩典之前是不可能有这种圣爱的。但是,一旦人领受了圣灵赐下的爱,便能够以上帝的爱来爱上帝、自己和邻人。 本章的第五部分讨论 了爱的秩序。我们特别从奥古斯丁对“享用”与“使用”的区分阐明了奥古斯丁对爱上帝、爱自己和爱邻人的见解。
根据以上的论述,我们可以得出这样的结论: 欲爱和圣爱在奥古斯丁的思想中并不冲突。从创造论的角度来说,奥古斯丁的秩序论中所阐发的爱具有明显的柏拉图主义特征。这种爱是欲爱。欲爱作为人在本体结构上对上帝的渴求,推动着人们去寻求上帝。从某种意义上说,正是柏拉图式的欲爱把奥古斯丁引到了基督的面前。欲爱对于他成了接受上帝恩典(圣爱)的预备。但是,奥古斯丁后来清楚地意识到,从救赎论的角度来看,欲爱自身不能被作为一种拯救的方式。人的拯救只能藉着基督在十字架上彰显的圣爱。
注 释:
1、The City of God, VIII, 8.
2、Confessions, 7. 9.
3、The Essential Augustine, p.58.
4、A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Vol. I, p. 107, ft. 6.
6、Etienne Gilson, History of Christian Thougnt in the Middle Ages, p.?
7、Confessions, VII, 9.
8、Augustine, On the Magnitude of the Soul, c
ited from Dennis R. Creswell’s St. Augustine’s Dilemma, p.10.
9、The City of God, XIX, 13, p.938.
10、Ibid, XIX, 12, p.937.
11、Miikka Ruokanen, Theology of Social Life in Augustine’s De civitate Dei, p.31.
12、Etienne Gilson, The Christian Philosophy of Saint Augustine, p.130.
13、The City of God, XIX, 13, p.939.
14、cf. Gilson, The Christian Philosophy of Saint Augustine, p.132.
15、The City of God, V, 8, p.197.
16、cf. The City of God, XIV, 13, p. 608-609.
17、Confessions, XIII, 9.
18、Gilson, The Christian Philosophy of Saint Augustine,p.135.
19、Augustine, Eighty-three Different Questions, 35. 1&2 , cited from Hannah Arendt’s Love and Saint Augustine, p.9.
20、The Essential Augustine, p. 151.
21、The City of God, X, I, p.390.
22、Confessions, I, 1.
23、Of the Morals of the Catholic Church, chap.III, 42.
24、The Essential Augustine, p.152.
25、Ibid, p.152.
26、Ibid, p.152.
27、Of the Morals of the Catholic Church, chap.III, 42.
28、On Order,II,50,cited from Creswell’s St.Augustine’s Delimma, p.13.
29、On Order, II, 47, St. Augustine’s Delimma, p.12.
30、On Trinity, 8,9,10.
31、Ibid, 8,9,13.
32、Cf. O’Dovovan’s The Problem of Self-love in St. Augustine, p.18.
33、Hannah Arendt, Love and Saint Augustine, p. 46.
34、Miikka Ruokanen, Theology of Social Life in Augustine’s De civitate Dei, p47-48.
35、Jonh Burnaby, Amor Dei, p.168.
36、Epistle,127,1, Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Vol.?
37、Cf. The City of God, VII, 31.
38、Sermon XCV, 4.
39、Nygren, Agape and Eros, p.525.
40、On Trinity, XV, 31.
41、Contra Faustrum, XXII, 27.