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ly, while fundamental in our democratic society, still do not mean that every one with opinions or beliefs to express may address a group at any place and any time.”)

②“宪法上所保障这自由权即隐摄着一个维持公共秩序的确有组织的社会之存在,如果没有它的存在,自由本身即会在过激的无政治状态中丧失”(“The constitutional guarantee of liberty implies the existence of an organized society maintaining public order, without which liberty itself would be lost in the excesses of anarchy.”)

③“控制街道交通很清楚的是政府维护必要秩序责任的题例,任何人以不遵守众所周知之红绿灯之交通规则作为社会抗议的手段则是不合理的(“The control of travel on the streets is a clear example of governmental responsibility to insure this necessary order One would not be justified in ignoring the familiar red light becausr this was thought to be a means of social protest.”)”

④“任何人亦不得违反交通规则,坚持于交通尖锋时间在时报广场上举街头集会,作为行使其言论自由或集会自由的方式。政府当局有义务及责任保持大街道路之交通畅行无阻。”(“Not could one, contrary to traffic regulations, insist upon a street meeting in the middle of Times Square at the rush hour as a form of freedom of speech or assembly. Governmental authorities have the duty and responsibility to keep their streets open and available for movement.”)

⑤“游行示威群众不得坚持有权封闭某条街道及进出公私场所之通路,亦不得禁止任何拒听说教之行人这通行”。(“A group of demonstrators could not insist upon the rright to cordon off a street, or entrance to a public or private building, and allow no one to pass who did not agree to listen to their exhortations.”)


(7)在法院前之示威游行Cox v. Louisiana, 1965, No. 49:本案之第三个争议主题为被告Cox在法院“附近”(near)游行是否违法而应加惩处。路易西安那州法律明文规定“任何人在法院或法院附近举牌抗议或游行示威,意图干涉、阴挠、妨害司法行政,或意图影响法官、陪审员、证人及司法官员、执行职务,均应处五千元以上罚金或一年以下之临禁,或两罚并处。”(“Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officers, in the discharge of his duty pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the State of Louisiana shall be fined not more than five thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”)。根据此一法律,地方法院以被告违法在法院对街一○一尺“附近”示威游行,抗拒警方要求群众解散之命令,因而将之判刑。被告不服,认为地方法院及州法院均侵犯其在宪法上之言论及集会自由权,遂经次上诉。最后联邦最高法院裁决该州最高法官判罪所据之理由不足,遂宜告原判不能成立,被告终因无罪而开释。联邦最高法院所持之理由如下:

① 该州禁止在法官“附近”游行示威之规定虽无不妥但“附近”词之解释仍嫌笼统(indefi

nite),含混(vague),且毕予警官以“无羁裁量权”(unfrttered discretion)任加解释;

② 法规既明文禁止在法院“附近”游行,故凡在法院“附近”游行理应均属违法,但警方负责高级官员既已指定群众在法院对街一○一尺之场地“可以游行”,则知警官已将“附近”一词解释为一○一尺合法之场地,可以游行,却在事后出尔反尔,变更解释,下令群众解散,显系警官任意裁量,致使示威者无所适从。基于此,联邦最高级法院认为州最高法院之判决不能成立。此虽系咬文嚼字,但却表示“依法主治”之精神。


① 路易西安那州 禁止在法院及附近示威游行之法规无论其在文字及内容均无不妥且符合一九四九年九月廿三日在美国司法会议“禁止在法院示威抗议之立法议案特别委员会”所提之报告,该项报告一致赞成国会应制订立法禁止在法院抗议示威。一九五○年国会通过有关联邦司法制度之制度(64 Stat. 1081, 18 U. S.C. § 1507, 1958 ed.)即禁止在法院示威抗议。该州法律即依据此一联邦立法而制订此一州法,故理无不合;

② 同理,各州之司法制度亦应禁止在法院之示威抗议以免受外界之压力。因为本院誓言支持法治政府而非人政府(“We are committed to a government of law and not a government of men”);

③ “司法程序之任何阶段不应受暴民干涉。暴民干涉法律正为适法程序之反。”(“There is no room at any stage of judicial proceedings for such intervention; mob law is the very antithesis of due process”);

④ 本院认为“某种与言论混合之行为即得加以规限及禁止”(……that certain forms of conduct mixed with speech may be regulated or prohibited.),换言之,联邦最高法院在本案中反复指出“言论自由如与某种行为混合即不为宪法之必然保护”(“……that free speech is intermingled with such conduct does not bring with it constitutiilnal protection.”)在法院附近,游行非纯言论(pure speech),即系附加行动,故应受法律规限;

⑤ 本院虽将州最高法院之原判批驳,但并“非谓警察对最初系和平而后变为暴乱之集会不得予以制止”。(“Of course, this does not mean that the police cannot call a halt to a meeting which though originally peaceful, becomes violent.”)再者,“本院亦非指凡经谨审拟订及执行之法律命令均不得对集会设定合理之时间限制”(“Nor does it mean that, under properly drafted and administered statutes and ordinances, the authorities cannot set reasonable time limits for assemblies.”)而“本院仅认为本案在目前情况下,上诉人之罪状未能基于警方之解散令而成立”(We merely hold that, under circumstances such


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