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[1] Coombs C H.Portfolio theory and the measurement of risk.In:Kaplan M F,Schwartz S,eds.Human judgment and decision processes.New York:Academic Press,1975: 63~83
[2] Kuehberger A,Schulte-Mecklenbeck M,Perner J.The effects of framing,reflection,probability,and payoff on risk preference in choice tasks.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.1999,78(3):204~231
[3] MacCrimmon K R,Stanbury W T,Wehrung D A.Real money lotteries: A study of ideal risk,context effects,and simple processes.In:Wallsten T S,ed.Cognitive processes in choice and decision behavior.New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associares,1980:152~178
[4] Hsee C.Weber E U.Cross-national differences in risk preference and lay predictions.Journal of Behavioral Decision Making,1999,12(2):165~179
[5] Russo J E,安宝生,徐联仓.决策行为分析.北京师范大学出版社,1998:66~103
[6] 王重鸣,梁立.风险决策中动态框架效应研究.心理学报,1998,30(4):394~399
[7] 何贵宾,白凤祥.风险决策中的参照点效应研究.心理学报,1997,29(2):178