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[15] Campbell J D,Tesser A.Motivational interpretations ofhindsight&nb 《后见之明研究综述(第3页)》
[5] Slovic P,Fischhoff B.On the psychology of experimentalsurprise.Journal of Experimental Psychology:Human Perceptionand performance,1977,3:544-551
[6] Bukszar E,Connolly T.Hindsight bias and strategic choice:Some problems in learning from experience.Academy of ManagementJournal,1988,31:628-641
[7] Neisser U.John Dean's memory:A case study.Cognition,1981,9:1-22
[8] Hell W,Gigerenzer G,Gauggel S et al.Hindsight bias:Aninteraction of automatic and motivational factors?Memory andCognition,1988,16:533-538
[9] Christensen-Szalanski J J J,Fobian Willham C.The hindsightbias:A meta-analysis.Organizational Behavior and Human DecisionProcesses,1991,48:147-168
[10] Fischhoff B,Beyth R."I knew it would happen"—rememberedprobabilities of once-future things.Organizational Behavior andHuman Performance,1975,13:1-16
[11] Davies M F.Reduction of hindsight bias by restoration offoresight perspective:Effectiveness of foresight-encoding andhindsight-retrieval strategies.Organizational Behavior andHuman Decision Processes,1987,40:
[12] Fischhoff B.Perceived informativeness of facts.Journalof Experimental Psychology:Human Perception and Performance,1977,3:349-358
[13] Hawkins S A,Hastie R.Hindsight:Biased judgment of thepast events after the outcomes are known.Psychological Bulletin,1990,107:311-327
[14] Wood G.The know-it-all-along effect.Journal of ExperimentalPsychology:Human Perception and Performance,1978,4:345-353
[15] Erdfelder E,Buchner A.Decomposing the hindsight bias:Amultinomial processing tree model for separating recollection andreconstruction in hindsight.Journal of Experimental Psychology:Learning,Memory and Cognition,1998,24:387-414
[15] Campbell J D,Tesser A.Motivational interpretations ofhindsight&nb 《后见之明研究综述(第3页)》