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生,保护肾脏等 重要脏器功能,选用对肝肾功能无明显影响抗生素。 作者简介:刘洋,医师。 参考文献 1. Sheen Is, Lia W Yf. The prevalence and Incidence of oholecystolithia sisin patient with chronic Civer disease: A prospective study. Hepatolo gy, Hsq;538-540. 2. Fornari F, civardi E et al. Cirrhosis. of theliver:a rish factorfor development of chlelithiasis in males. pig Dis sci 1990,351:1403-1408. 3. Acalovschi M, Fornari M. et al. close relation between. 4. cirrnosis:a sonograpnic surcey.Am Jgastroenterol 1988,83:54. 5. Conte D, Frquelli M, Fornari Metal. close relation between cirrnosis and gall stones. Arch Inter Med 1999:159149-52. 6. LI Cp, Hwang: ST, Lee FY et al. Evaluation of gallbadder motility. i n patients With liver cirtokin in ecretion in Liver cirrhosis. Diy Diss ci 2000,45:1109-1114. 7. Pompili Mgallbldder. emptying, plasmal evels of estradioland prog es terone. and cholecystokinin ecretion in Liver cirrnosis. Diy Dic Sci 19 95,40:428-434. 8. Poggio Jl, Rowcand Cm, Gores Gjetal. Am Compahson of Caparo scopic a nd open Cholecystetomy in patients with compensatod cirrhosis and Sympt omatic gallstone diseaes. sargery, 2000,127:405-411. 中华综合临床医学杂志


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