(《临床心血管病杂志》 2003年 第19卷 第11期)
袁义强 刘怀霖
摘要 目的:探讨血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂(ACEI)对器质性心脏病合并阵发性心房颤动(AF)P波离散度(Pd)、最大P波时限(Pmax)及AF发生率的影响。方法:59例器质性心脏病合并AF患者,随机分成两组:实验组,为30人;对照组:为29人。实验组给予卡托普利干预,观察卡托普利对P波离散度(Pd)、最大P波时限(Pmax)及AF发生率的影响。结果:实验组3个月后
关键词 心房颤动 血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂 心电图 P波离散
Abstract Objective: To investigate the influence of angiotensin coverting enzyme inhibitor on P dispersion(Pd), maximal time of P waves(Pmax) and recurrence rate of atrial fibrillation(AF).Method:59 patients, who had organic heart diseases combined with AF, were divided into two groups at random: the experiment group included 30 patients; the contrast group included 29 patients. The patients from experiment group toke catopril, and observed the influence of catopril on Pd,Pmax and recurrence of AF. Result: After 3 months The Pd and Pmax decreased, and the recurrence rate of AF obviously decreased compared with the contrast group too. Conclusion: ACEI can dicrease Pd and Pmax, and at the same time can prevent the recurrence of AF.
Key words Atrial fibrillation; Angiotensin coverting enzyme inhibitor; Electrocardiogram; P dispersion
1 资料与方法
表1 两组临床资料比较