PMMA AgRB 复合材料制备及光学性质的研究
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[ 17 ] Nabika H and Dekia S. Surface2enhanced luminescence f rom Eu3 + complex nearby Ag colloids [J ] . The European Physical Journal D , 2003 , 24 (1~3) : 3692372.
[ 18 ] Hutter E , Fendler J H , Exploitation of Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance [J ] . Adv. Mater , 2004 , 16 (19) : 168521706.
《PMMA AgRB 复合材料制备及光学性质的研究(第4页)》
[ 17 ] Nabika H and Dekia S. Surface2enhanced luminescence f rom Eu3 + complex nearby Ag colloids [J ] . The European Physical Journal D , 2003 , 24 (1~3) : 3692372.
[ 18 ] Hutter E , Fendler J H , Exploitation of Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance [J ] . Adv. Mater , 2004 , 16 (19) : 168521706.
《PMMA AgRB 复合材料制备及光学性质的研究(第4页)》