WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism(1)
and Selected Documents (published by GATT)
DSU Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing
the Settlement of Disputes
DSB Dispute Settlement Body
EC The European Communities
GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
IMF International Monetary Fund
PGE Permanent Group of Experts (in the SCM Agreement)
SCM Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
SG Agreement on Safeguards
SPS Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
TBT Technical Barriers to Trade
TMB Textiles Monitoring Body
TRIMS Trade-related Investment Measures
TRIPS Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
TSB Textiles Surveillance Body
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization
WTO World Trade Organization
Table of Contents
Chapter I Trend towards “Judicialization”:
A Rule-oriented Dispute Settlement System
Chapter II Causes of Action before the DSB:
Art. XXIII of the GATT 1994
Section One Right to Pursue a Proceeding under the WTO
I The Concept of Nullification or Impairment
II The Standing Issue before the DSB
III Lack of Possible Compensation
IV Summary and Conclusions
Section Two Causes of Action before the DSB in General
I The Presumption in Violation Complaints
(ii)Practice under the GATT Jurisprudence
(iii)Rulings under the WTO Jurisprudence
(iv)A Summary
II An Overview of Non-Violation Complaints
(i)Related Texts
(ii)Relationship between Arts. XXIII:1(a) and XXIII:1(b)
(iii)Underlying Purpose of Art. XXIII:1(b)
(iv)Non-violation Claims in the Context of Principles of Customary International Law
(v)Appropriate Attitudes as to Non-Violation Remedy
III Presupposed Situation Complaints
Section Three Establishment of Non-violation Complaints
I Introduction
II Application of a Measure: Scope of Measures Covered by Art. XXIII:1(b)
(i)Measures short of Legally Binding Obligations
(ii)Measures Falling under Other Provisions of the GATT 1994
(iii)Measures Concerning the Protection of Human Health
(iv)Measures Continuingly Applied
III Existence of a Benefit: Protection of Legitimate Expectations
(i)Protection of Legitimate Expectations(PLE)
(ii)Non-foreseeability of Measures at Issue
(iii)Benefits in the Negotiations
(iv)Benefits under Successive Rounds
IV Nullification or Impairment of Benefit: Causality
V Summary and Conclusions
Chapter III Initiation of Panel Proced
Section One Role of Consultations: Art. 4
I The Importance of Consultations
II Issues Concerning the “adequacy” of Consultations
Section Two Establishment of Panels: Art. 6.2
I Introduction
II Indication of Consultations Process
III Identification of “the specific measures at issue”
IV Provision of “a brief summary of the legal basis of the complaint”
V Concluding Remarks
Section Three Terms of Reference of Panels: Art. 7
I Introduction
II Effect of Consultations on Terms of Reference of Panels
III The “matter referred to the DSB”
Section Four The Mandate of Compliance Panels: Art. 21.5
I Introduction
II Clarification of “measures taken to comply”
III Perspective of Review under Art.21.5
IV Examination of the New Measure in Its Totality and in Its Application
Section Five Third Party Rights : Art. 10
I Introduction
II Generic Third Party Rights: Interpretation of Art. 《WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism(1)(第2页)》
DSU Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing
the Settlement of Disputes
DSB Dispute Settlement Body
EC The European Communities
GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
IMF International Monetary Fund
PGE Permanent Group of Experts (in the SCM Agreement)
SCM Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
SG Agreement on Safeguards
SPS Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
TBT Technical Barriers to Trade
TMB Textiles Monitoring Body
TRIMS Trade-related Investment Measures
TRIPS Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
TSB Textiles Surveillance Body
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization
WTO World Trade Organization
Table of Contents
Chapter I Trend towards “Judicialization”:
A Rule-oriented Dispute Settlement System
Chapter II Causes of Action before the DSB:
Art. XXIII of the GATT 1994
Section One Right to Pursue a Proceeding under the WTO
I The Concept of Nullification or Impairment
II The Standing Issue before the DSB
III Lack of Possible Compensation
IV Summary and Conclusions
Section Two Causes of Action before the DSB in General
I The Presumption in Violation Complaints
(ii)Practice under the GATT Jurisprudence
(iii)Rulings under the WTO Jurisprudence
(iv)A Summary
II An Overview of Non-Violation Complaints
(i)Related Texts
(ii)Relationship between Arts. XXIII:1(a) and XXIII:1(b)
(iii)Underlying Purpose of Art. XXIII:1(b)
(iv)Non-violation Claims in the Context of Principles of Customary International Law
(v)Appropriate Attitudes as to Non-Violation Remedy
III Presupposed Situation Complaints
Section Three Establishment of Non-violation Complaints
I Introduction
II Application of a Measure: Scope of Measures Covered by Art. XXIII:1(b)
(i)Measures short of Legally Binding Obligations
(ii)Measures Falling under Other Provisions of the GATT 1994
(iii)Measures Concerning the Protection of Human Health
(iv)Measures Continuingly Applied
III Existence of a Benefit: Protection of Legitimate Expectations
(i)Protection of Legitimate Expectations(PLE)
(ii)Non-foreseeability of Measures at Issue
(iii)Benefits in the Negotiations
(iv)Benefits under Successive Rounds
IV Nullification or Impairment of Benefit: Causality
V Summary and Conclusions
Chapter III Initiation of Panel Proced
Section One Role of Consultations: Art. 4
I The Importance of Consultations
II Issues Concerning the “adequacy” of Consultations
Section Two Establishment of Panels: Art. 6.2
I Introduction
II Indication of Consultations Process
III Identification of “the specific measures at issue”
IV Provision of “a brief summary of the legal basis of the complaint”
V Concluding Remarks
Section Three Terms of Reference of Panels: Art. 7
I Introduction
II Effect of Consultations on Terms of Reference of Panels
III The “matter referred to the DSB”
Section Four The Mandate of Compliance Panels: Art. 21.5
I Introduction
II Clarification of “measures taken to comply”
III Perspective of Review under Art.21.5
IV Examination of the New Measure in Its Totality and in Its Application
Section Five Third Party Rights : Art. 10
I Introduction
II Generic Third Party Rights: Interpretation of Art. 《WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism(1)(第2页)》