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〔29〕Egashira K,Hirooka Y,Kai H,?et al?.Reduction in serum cholester
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〔30〕Anderson T J,Meredith I T,Yeung A G,?et al?.Efficacy of pamidro
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〔31〕Allan M Lefer,Daud J Lefer.Therapeutic role of nitric oxide donor
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由基和血 清一氧化氮的影响.中国中西医结合杂志,1997,17(9):550-552??
myocardial ischemi a and reperfusion in dogs.Circulation,1993,88:2337-2
护作用.中国 危重病急救医学,1999,11(7):413-415??
〔20〕Fukuda H,Sawa Y,Kadoba K,?et al?.Supplement of nitric oxide att
enuates neutrophil-mediated reperfusion injury.Circulation,1995,92(Supp
l 9)13 :?Ⅱ413-Ⅱ416???
〔21〕Engelman D J,Walanabe M,Engelman R M,?et al?.Constitutive nitri
c oxide r elease is impaired after ischemia and reperfusion.J Thorac Ca
rdiovasc Surg,1995, 110:1047-1053??
〔22〕Hasebe N,Shen Y T,Vatner S F.Inhibition of endothelium-derived re
laxing factor enhances myocardial stunning in conscious dogs.Circulatio
n,1993, 88(6):2862-2871??
〔23〕Pabla R,Curtis M J.Effects of NO modulation on cardiac arrhythmia
s in the rat isolated heart.Circulation Research,1995,77(5):984-992??
〔24〕Wildhirt S M,Dudek R R,Suzuki H,?et al?.Immunohistochemistry in
the iden tification of nitric oxide synthase isoenzymes in myocardial
infarction.Cardiova scular Research,1995,29:256-531??
〔25〕Hoshida S,Yamashita N,Igarashi J,?et al?.Nitric oxide synthase
protects the heart against ischemia-reperfusion injury in rabbits.J Pha
rmacol Exper Therapeu,1995,274(1):413-418??
影响. 中国病理生理杂志,1997,13(4):?421-423,435???
〔27〕Benzuly K H,Padgett R C,Kaul S,?et al?.Functional improvement p
recedes s tructural regression of atherosclerosis.Circulation,1994,89:1
810-1818 ?
〔28〕Leung W H,Lau C P,Wong C K.Beneficial effect of cholesterol-low e
ring therapy on coronary endothelium-dependent relaxation in hyperchole
sterolaem ic patients.Lancet,1993,341:1496-1504??
〔29〕Egashira K,Hirooka Y,Kai H,?et al?.Reduction in serum cholester
ol with p r avastatin improves endothelium-dependent coronary vasomotio
n in patie nts with hypercholesterolemia.Circulation,1994,89:2519-2524?
〔30〕Anderson T J,Meredith I T,Yeung A G,?et al?.Efficacy of pamidro
nate in r educing skeletal events in patients with advanced multiple my
eloma.N Engl J Med, 1995,332:488-497??
〔31〕Allan M Lefer,Daud J Lefer.Therapeutic role of nitric oxide donor
s in the treatment of cardiovascular disease.Drugs of the Future,1994,1
由基和血 清一氧化氮的影响.中国中西医结合杂志,1997,17(9):550-552??