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美国公共行政学百年回顾 二

ew York: John Wiley & Sons, 1951.

  7 Barnard, Chester "Informal Organizations and TheirRelations to Formal Organizations" See Shafritz, Jay M. & Hyde,Albert C ed. Classics of Public Administration 4[th] ed. pp95-99.

  8 Barnard CI. The Functions of the Executive. Cambridge,MA: Harvard University Press, 1938

  9 Barzelay, Michael & Armajani, Babak. Breaking ThroughBureaucracy: New Vision for Managing in Government. 1992.

  10 Behn, RD, ed. A symposium: Policy Analysis inGovernment: alteratives to "Muddling Through." PublicAdministration Review 40: 603-626,1980.

  11 Boyer MC. Dreaming the Rational City: The Myth ofAmerican City Planning. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1983.

  12 Brownell BA & Stickle W. Bosses and Reformers: UrbanPolitics in America, 1880-1920. Boston: Houghton—Mifflin,1973;

  13 Brownlow L, Merriam, C. E. & Gulick L. Report of thePresident' s Committee on Administrative Management 1937. SeeShafritz, Jay M. & Hyde, Albert C ed. Classics of PublicAdministration 4[th] ed. pp90-94.

  14 Buchanan, James M. & Tullock, Gordon. The Calculus ofConsent: Logicalfoundations of Constitutional Democracy.Ann Arbor: The University of MichiganPress, 1962.

  15 Caiden, Naomi. "Public Budgeting amid Uncertainty andInstability" Public Budgeting and Finance, 1981

  16 Gallow AB, ed. The City Bosses in America: AnInterpretative Reader. New York: Oxford University Press,1976.

  17 Chandler AD, Jr. The Visible Hand: The ManagerialRevolution in American Business. Cambridge, MA: HarvardUniversity Press, 1984.

  18 Childs RS. Civil Victories: The Story of an UnfinishedRevolution. NewYork: Harper, 1952.

  19 Course, Ronald Harry. The Problem of Social Cost. 1960

  20 Cooper, Phillip J. Public Law and PublicAdministration. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.:Prentice—Hall,1988.

  21 Cooper, Phillip J. "Conflict of Constructive Tension:The Changing Relationship of Judges and Administrators" PublicAdministration Review 45. November 1985.

  22 Dahl, Robert A. The Science of Public Administration:Three Problems. Public Administration Review. 1947.

  23 Degler CN. Out of Our Past: The Forces that ShapedModem America. New York: Harper, 1959.

  24 Dimock, Marshall E.. Law and Dynamic Administration.New York: Praeger,1980

 25 Donahue, John M. The Privatization Decision: PublicEnds, Private Means. New York: Basic Books, 1989.

  26 Downs, Anthony. An Economic Theory of Democracy. NewYork: Harper & Row, 1957.

  27 Downs, Anthony. Inside Bureaucracy. Boston

: Little,Brown & Co., 1967.

  28 East JP. Council—Manager Government: The PoliticalThought of its Founder, Richard S. Childs. Chapel Hill, NC:University of North Carolina Press, 1965.

  29 Fayol, Henri. General and Industrial Management. NewYork: Pitman Publishing Corporation, 1949.

  30 Fleishman, Joel. Liebman, Lance & Moore, Mark H. TheMoral Obligationsof Government Officials Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press, 1981.

  31 Follett, Mary P. The Giving of Orders. 1926. Shafritz,Jay M. & Hyde, Albert C ed. Classics of Public Administration4[th] ed. pp53-60.

  32 Frederickson, H. George. Neighborhood Control in the1970s. New York: Chander, 1973.

  33 ______New Public Administration. University, AL: TheUniversity of Alabama Press, 1980.

  34 Fr

《美国公共行政学百年回顾 二(第2页)》

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