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美国公共行政学百年回顾 二

ench, Peter. Ethics in Government. Englewood Cliffs,N. J.: Prentice—Hall, 1983.

  35 Golembiewski, Robert. Gibson, Frank & Cornog, GeoffreyY. Public Administration: Readings in Institutions Processes,Behavior, Policy. Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., 1966.

  36 Goodnow, FJ. Politics and Administration. New York:Macmillan, 1900

  37 Goodsell, CT. The Grace Commission: seeking efficiencyfor the whole people. Public Administration Review 44: 196-204,1984.

  38 Gulick, Luther. Notes on the Theory of Organization1937. See Shafritz, Jay M. & Hyde, Albert C ed. Classics ofPublic Administration 4[th] ed. pp81-89.

  39 Haber S. Efficiency and Uplift:Scientific Managementin the Progressive Era, 1820-1920. Chicago: University ofChicago Press, 1964.

  40 Herring, E. Pendleton. Public Administration andPublic Interest. New York: McGraw—Hill, 1937.

  41 Hofstadter R. The Age of Reform: From Bryant to F. D.R. New York: Alfred A.. Knopf, 1955.

  42 Holzer, Marc & Gabrielian, Vatche. "Five Great Ideasin American Public Administration" See Handbook of PublicAdministration 2nd ed. Edited By Rabin, J. Hildreth & Miller,GJ. 1998

  43 Holzer, Marc. Productivity and Quality Management.SeeShafritz, Jay M.& Hyde, Albert C ed. Classics of PublicAdministration 4[th] ed. pp558-566.

  44 Hoogenboom A. Outlawing the Spoils: A History of theCivil Service Reform Movement. Urbana: University of Illinoispress, 1961.

  45 Ingraham, Patricia. The Foundation of Merit: PublicsServices in American Democracy. Baltimore: Johns HopkinsUniversity Press, 1995.

  46 Ingraham Pw, Barrilleuax C. Motivating governmentmagagers for retrenchment: some possible lessons from thesenior executive service.Public Administration Review 43:393-402,1983.

  47 Kaufman, Herbert. Administration Decentralization andpolitical Power.1969.

  48 Key, V. O.,Politics, Parties, and Pressure groups,5[th] ed. New York:Growell, 1964.

  49 Koontz, H., The Management theory jungle.J Acad Manage4(3):1961

  50 Krislov, Samuel. Representative Bureaucracy.Minneapolis: University of Minnesota

Press. 1974.

  51 Levine, Charles B. "Organizational Decline and CutbackManagement" Public Administration Review. 1978

  52 Light, Paul C.. The Tides of Reform: Making GovernmentWork, 1945-1995. Yale University Press: New Haven and London.1997.

  53 Lilienthal, David E. TVA: Democracy on the March. Newyork: Harper andRow, 1944.

  54 Lindblom, Charles E. The Science of Muddling Through.Public Administration Review 1959.

  55 Lipsky, Michael. Street-Level Bureaucracy. New York:Russell Sage Foundation, 1980.

  56 Lowi, Theodore J. The End of Liberalism: Ideology,Policy and the Crisis of Public Authority. New York: W. W.Norton & Co.,1969.

  57 Marini, Frank. Toward a New Public Administration:Minnowbrook Perspective. Scranton, PA: Chandler PublishingCo.,1971.

  58 Maslow, Abraham H.. A Preface to Motivation Theory,Psychosomatic Med.5. 1943.

  59 McCurdy,HE. Public Administration: A Biobliography.Washington, D. C.:American University, School of Governmentand Public Administration,1972, 2d. Ed.,1986

  60 McCregor, Douglas. The Human Side of Enterprise.1957.See Shafritz, Jay M.& Hyde, Albert C ed. Classics of PublicAdministration 4[th] ed. pp192-197.

  61 Meriam, Lewis. Reorganizat

《美国公共行政学百年回顾 二(第3页)》

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