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美国公共行政学百年回顾 二

ion of the NationalGovernment: What does itinvolves. 1939

  62 Moe, Ronald. Exploring the Limits of Privatization.Public Administration Review. 1987.

  63 Mosher, Frederick C.. Watergate: Implications forResponsible Government. New York: Basic Books, 1974.

  64 Nigro, Felix A. & Nigro, Lloyd G.Modern PublicAdministration. New York: Harper and Row, 1973.

  65 Niskanen, William. Bureaucracy and RepresentativeGovernment. Chicago:Aldine Publishing Co.,1971.

  66 NPR. From Red Tape to Results: Greating a GovernmentThat Works Betterand Costs Less, Report of the NationalPerformance Review. Washington, D. C.:U. S.Government PrintingOffice, September 1993.

  67 Oates, Wallece. Fiscal Federalism. Harcourt, 1972.

  68 Olson, Mancur, Jr. , The Logic of Collective Action:Public Goods and the Theory of Groups. Cambridge: HarvardUniversiyt Press, 1965.

  69 Osborne, David & Gaebler, Ted. Reinventing Government:How the Entrepreneurial Spirit is Transforming the PublicSector. Reading,Mass.: addison Wesley Publishers, 1992.

  70 Pressman Jeffrey & Wiladvsky, Aaron. Implementation.Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973

  71 Riordon WL. Plunkitt of Tammany Hall: A Series of VeryPlain Talks on Very Practical Politics,Delivered by Ex-SenatorGeorge Washington Plunkitt, TheTammany Philosopher, from HisRostrum, The New York County Court-House Bootblack Stand. NewYork: Alfred A. Knopf, 1948.

  72 Rivlin, Alice. Systematic Thinking for Social Action.Washington,D.C.:Brookings Institution, 1971.

  73 Rohr, John A. To Run A Constitution: The Legitimacyof the Administrative State. Lawrence, KS: University Pressof Kansas,


  74 Rohr, John A. Ethics for Bureaucrats. 2d. ed New York:Marcal Dekker,1988.

  75 Rosenbloom, David. "Public Administration Theory andthe Separation ofPowers" Public Administration Review.1983

  76 Rosenbloom, David. Public Administration:UnderstandingManagement Politics, and Law in the Public Sector. New York:Random House,1986.2d ed.,1990.

  77 Rourke, Francis E.. Bureaucracy, Politics, and PublicPolicy. Published by Little Brown & Company (Canada)limited,2d. Ed. 1976.

  78 Savas, ES. Privatizing the Public Sector. Chatham, NJ:Chatham House, 1982.

  79 Sava, E. E..Privatization: The Key to BetterGovernment. Chatham,N.J.:Chatham House, 1987.

  80 Schick, Alan. Congress and Money: Budgeting, Spending,and Taxing.Washington D.C.: Urban Institute,1980.

  81 Schick, Alan. "Incremental Budgeting in a DecrementalAge" Policy Science 16 Sept 1983: 1-25

  82 Selznick; Philip. TVA and the Grass Roots, New York:Harper & Row, 1949.

  83 Shafritz, J. M. & Hyde, A. C. Classics of PublicAdministration.Harcourt Brace College Publishers 1997.

  84 Simon, Herbert. The Proverbs of Administration 1946.See Shafritz, JayM. & Hyde, Albert C ed. Classics of PublicAdministration 4[th] ed. pp127-141.

  85 Simon, Herbert A. Administrative Behavior. New York:The Free Press, 1947.

  86 Stivers, Camilla. Gender Images in PublicAdministration: Legitimacy and the Administrative State.Newbury Park: Sage, 1993

  87 Stillman RJ II. The Rise of the City Manager,Albuquerque, NM:University of New Mexico Press, 1974.

  88 Suchman Edward. Evaluative Research. New York: RussellSage Foundation,1967

  89 Thompson, Den

《美国公共行政学百年回顾 二(第4页)》

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