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美国公共行政学百年回顾 二

nis F. Political Ethics and Public Office.Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1987

  90 ______.The Possibility of Administrative Ethics. PublicAdministrationReview. 1985.

  91 Taylor, Frederick W. Shop Management. New York: Harperand Row, 1903.

  92 ______.The Principles of Scientific Management. NewYork: W. W. Norton, 1911.

  93 ______.Scientific Management. New York: Harper and Row,1923.

  94 Uveges & Keller, "One hundred Years of American PublicAdministration and Counting: Moving into a Second Century inthe Study and Practice of Public Management in American Life"1998. See Handbook of Public Administration 2nd ed. Edited ByRabin, J. Hildreth & Miller, GJ. 1998

  95 Riper, Van. History of the United States Civil Service,Evanston, IL: Row, Peterson, 1958.

  96 Riper, Van. The American Administrative state: Wilsonand the founders- an unorthodox view. Public AdministrationRaview 43: 477-490, 1983.

  97 Weber, Max. Bureaucracy 1922. Shafritz, Jay M. & Hyde,Albert C ed. Cla ssics of Public Administration 4[th] ed. pp37-43.

  98 Willoughby WF. The Movement for Budgetary Reform inthe States Shafritz, Jay M. & Hyde, Albert C ed. Classics ofPublic Administration 4[

th] ed. pp33-36.

  99 Waldo, Dwight Administrative State. New York: TheRonald Press, 1948.

  100 Waldo, Dwight.Public Administration in a Time ofTurbulence

  101 Weiss, Carol H. Evaluation Research: Methods forAssessing Program Effectiveness. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.:Prentice-Hall, 1972.

  102 White, Joseph & Wildavsky, Aaron. The Deficit andthe Public Interest: The Search for Responsible Budgeting inthe 1980s. 1989.

  103 White LD Introduction to the Study of Publicadministration. New York: MacMillan, 1926.

  104 ______.The City Manager. Chicago: University ofChicago Press, 1927.

  105 Wholey, Joseph. Federal Evaluation Policy. WashingtonD. C.: Urban Institute, 1970.

  106 Wildavsky, Aaron. The Politics of the BudgetaryProcess, 4[th] ed.Boston: Little, Brown, 1964, 1984.

  107 Wildavsky, Aaron. Rescuing Policy Analysis from PPBS.Public Administration Review.1969

  108 Wildavsky, Aaron. How to limit Government Spending.Berkeley: University of California Press and Russell SageFoundation, 1980.

  109 Wildavsky, Aaron. The New Politics of the BudgetaryProcess. Boston:Little,Brown, 1988.

  110 Wilson, Thomas Woodrow. The Study of Administration.Politics sci Q 2: 197-222, 1887.

《美国公共行政学百年回顾 二(第5页)》

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