olutionary War’. (Accounting Historians Journal, Jun 2004)
[22] Conboy, 2004, p. 90-91
[23] 转引自Raymond Williams, The Long Revolution (Penguin Book, 1965) p. 20, 威廉姆斯《长期革命》
[24] Curran and Seaton, 2003, p. 7
[25] Williams, 1998, p. 44
[26] Conboy, p. 106
[27] James Curran, ‘The Press as an Agency of Social Control’, in Newspaper History from the 17th Century to the Present Day eds by George Boyce, James Curran and Pauline Wingate (London: Constable, 1978) p. 54
[28] 同 3
[29] 同26, p. 55
[30] 同25
[31] Raymond Williams, 1978, p. 49
[32] 同4, p. 70
[33] Conboy, 2004, p. 102-107
[34] Williams, 1998, p. 45-46
[35] Curran and Seaton, 2003, p. 25
[36] Curran and Seaton, 2003, p. 5
[37] 王春泉, “历史意识在新闻学研究中的意义”, 刘建勋 主编 《传播的艺术》西北大学出版社 2002年版p. 56
1.James Curran,‘Media and Making of British Society, c.1700-2000’ (Media History, Vol.8, No.2, 2002)
2.James Curran and Jean Seaton, Power without Responsibility (London: Routledge, 2003)
3.Asa Briggs and Peter Burke, A Social History of the Media: From Gutenburg to the Internet (Polity and Blackwell, 2002)
4.Martin Conboy, Journalism: A Critical History (London: Sage Publications, 2004)
5.Kevil Williams, Get Me a Murder a Day! A History of Mass Communication in Britain (London; New York : Arnold, 1998)
6.George Boyce, James Curran and Pauline Wingate eds Newspaper History from the 17th Century to the Present Day (London: Constable, 1978)
7.Nike Hiley, ‘The Problems of Media History’, (Modern History Review, April 1996)
8.Oats Lynne and Sadler Pauline, ‘Political Suppression or Revenue Raising’? Taxing Newspapers during the French Revolutionary War’. (Accounting Historians Journal, Jun 2004)
9.Raymond Williams, The Long Revolution (Penguin Book, 1965)
10.张隆栋 傅显明编著,《外国新闻事业史简编》 中国人民大学出版社1997版
11.郑超然 程曼丽 王泰玄 著 《外国新闻传播史》 中国人民大学出版社 2001版
12.王春泉, “历史意识在新闻学研究中的意义”, 刘建勋 主编 《传播的艺术》西北大学出版社 2002年版
Reappraise T 《对英国报业史上废除知识税的重新解读:从激进主义报业的兴衰看知识税的废除(第6页)》
[22] Conboy, 2004, p. 90-91
[23] 转引自Raymond Williams, The Long Revolution (Penguin Book, 1965) p. 20, 威廉姆斯《长期革命》
[24] Curran and Seaton, 2003, p. 7
[25] Williams, 1998, p. 44
[26] Conboy, p. 106
[27] James Curran, ‘The Press as an Agency of Social Control’, in Newspaper History from the 17th Century to the Present Day eds by George Boyce, James Curran and Pauline Wingate (London: Constable, 1978) p. 54
[28] 同 3
[29] 同26, p. 55
[30] 同25
[31] Raymond Williams, 1978, p. 49
[32] 同4, p. 70
[33] Conboy, 2004, p. 102-107
[34] Williams, 1998, p. 45-46
[35] Curran and Seaton, 2003, p. 25
[36] Curran and Seaton, 2003, p. 5
[37] 王春泉, “历史意识在新闻学研究中的意义”, 刘建勋 主编 《传播的艺术》西北大学出版社 2002年版p. 56
1.James Curran,‘Media and Making of British Society, c.1700-2000’ (Media History, Vol.8, No.2, 2002)
2.James Curran and Jean Seaton, Power without Responsibility (London: Routledge, 2003)
3.Asa Briggs and Peter Burke, A Social History of the Media: From Gutenburg to the Internet (Polity and Blackwell, 2002)
4.Martin Conboy, Journalism: A Critical History (London: Sage Publications, 2004)
5.Kevil Williams, Get Me a Murder a Day! A History of Mass Communication in Britain (London; New York : Arnold, 1998)
6.George Boyce, James Curran and Pauline Wingate eds Newspaper History from the 17th Century to the Present Day (London: Constable, 1978)
7.Nike Hiley, ‘The Problems of Media History’, (Modern History Review, April 1996)
8.Oats Lynne and Sadler Pauline, ‘Political Suppression or Revenue Raising’? Taxing Newspapers during the French Revolutionary War’. (Accounting Historians Journal, Jun 2004)
9.Raymond Williams, The Long Revolution (Penguin Book, 1965)
10.张隆栋 傅显明编著,《外国新闻事业史简编》 中国人民大学出版社1997版
11.郑超然 程曼丽 王泰玄 著 《外国新闻传播史》 中国人民大学出版社 2001版
12.王春泉, “历史意识在新闻学研究中的意义”, 刘建勋 主编 《传播的艺术》西北大学出版社 2002年版
Reappraise T 《对英国报业史上废除知识税的重新解读:从激进主义报业的兴衰看知识税的废除(第6页)》