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2118. 14.The Multicenter Acute Stroke Trial-Europe Study Group.Thromˉbolytic therapy with streptokinase in acute ischemic stroke.N Engl J Med,1996 ,335:145-150. 15 Multicentre Acute Stroke Trial-Italy(MAST-I)Group.Ranˉdomised con trolled trial of streptokinase,aspirin,and combination of both in tre atment of acute ischaemic stroke.Lancet,1995,346:1509-1514. 16 Donnan GA,Davis SM,Chambers BR,et al.Streptokinase for acute isch emic stroke with relationship to time of administration:Australian Stre ptokinase(ASK)Trial Study Group.JAMA,1996,276:961-966. 17 Suarez JI,Sunshine JL,Tarr R,et al.Predictors of clinical improve ˉment,angiographic recanalization,and intracranial hemorrhage after intra-arterialthrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke.Stroke,1999,30:2 094-2100. 18 Mori E,Tabuchi M,Yoshida T,et al.Intracarotid urokinase with thro mboembolic occlusion of the middle cerebral artery.Stroke,1988,19:802 -812. 作者单位:210029江苏省中医院脑病中心


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