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ls change with age. Electroencephalogr clin Neurophysiol, 1998,108:208-
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potentials: older males demonstrate the greatest deficits. Electroencep
halogr Clin Neurophysiol, 1997,104:351-358.
14 Becker E, Hummel T, Piel E, et al. Olfactory event-related potential
s in psychosis prone subjects. Int J Psychophysiol, 1993,15:51-58.
15 Livermore A, Hummel T, Kobal G. Chemosensory event-related potential
s in the investigation of interaction between the olfactory and the som
atosensory (trigeminal) systems. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol,
16 Hummel T, Sekinger B, Wolf SR, et al. “Sniffin Sticks”: olfactory
performance assessed by the combined testing of odor identification, od
or discrimination, and olfactory thresholds. Chem Senses, 1997,22:39-52
17 Bauer LO, Mott AE. Differential effects of cocaine, alcohol, and nic
otine dependence on olfactory evoked potentials. Drug Alcohol Depend, 1
18 Masanori S, Namio K, Tatsuya S, et al. Olfactory evoked potent
experimental and clinical studies. J Neurosurg, 1996,85:1122-1126.
19 Hawkes CH, Shephard BC, Daniel SE. Olfactory dysfunction in Parkinso
n’s disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 1997,62:436-446.
20 Hummel T, Pietsch H, Kobal G. Kallmann’s syndrome and chemosensory
voked potentials. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 1991,248:311-312.
21 Hummel T, Pauli E, Schuler P, et al. Chemosensory event-related pote
ntials in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 1995,36:79-8
iology, 1996,33:376-384.
12 Hummel T, Barz S, Pauli E, et al. Chmosensory event-related potentia
ls change with age. Electroencephalogr clin Neurophysiol, 1998,108:208-
13 Morgan CD, Covington JW, Geisler MW, et al. Olfactory event-related
potentials: older males demonstrate the greatest deficits. Electroencep
halogr Clin Neurophysiol, 1997,104:351-358.
14 Becker E, Hummel T, Piel E, et al. Olfactory event-related potential
s in psychosis prone subjects. Int J Psychophysiol, 1993,15:51-58.
15 Livermore A, Hummel T, Kobal G. Chemosensory event-related potential
s in the investigation of interaction between the olfactory and the som
atosensory (trigeminal) systems. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol,
16 Hummel T, Sekinger B, Wolf SR, et al. “Sniffin Sticks”: olfactory
performance assessed by the combined testing of odor identification, od
or discrimination, and olfactory thresholds. Chem Senses, 1997,22:39-52
17 Bauer LO, Mott AE. Differential effects of cocaine, alcohol, and nic
otine dependence on olfactory evoked potentials. Drug Alcohol Depend, 1
18 Masanori S, Namio K, Tatsuya S, et al. Olfactory evoked potent
experimental and clinical studies. J Neurosurg, 1996,85:1122-1126.
19 Hawkes CH, Shephard BC, Daniel SE. Olfactory dysfunction in Parkinso
n’s disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 1997,62:436-446.
20 Hummel T, Pietsch H, Kobal G. Kallmann’s syndrome and chemosensory
voked potentials. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 1991,248:311-312.
21 Hummel T, Pauli E, Schuler P, et al. Chemosensory event-related pote
ntials in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 1995,36:79-8