摘 要
关键词:佛教文化 宽恕仁爱 平民化 古龙精神
This text is mainly to analyze the GuLong’s Buddhistic love knots from the small things of GuLong’s life and works of GuLong’s mature period,and demonstrate the Buddhistic culture and the Buddhistic thought from its visible and invisible performances. It is emphatically proved that gulong ’s Buddhistic culture for example to Buddhistic culture sentiment to make an appeal to in work’s person, language, scene etc. Aspect. Moreover, return with the speech, some writers, critics, scholars that friend's relatives of gulong ,especially knight errants on the net fancier of right and gulong of the critique come explaining the gulong’s spirit of gulong works in the connection that the Buddhism, the direct and the indirectly , the Buddhist of oneself the method righteousness is with the evocative culture that the Buddhistic spirit.
Keywords: The Buddhistic Culture Forgive and Kindheartedness The Gulong Spirit The Civilian's Spirit
目 录
引 言 1
一、古龙与佛教文化 1
二、古龙小说与佛教文化 3
1、佛寺和僧人 3
2、谈佛论道 4
3、佛门机锋 7
4、平等宽恕的佛陀思想 9
5、热爱美好生命 尊重快乐生活 14
6、善良、希望、积极、勇气、正义——佛教文化的人生精神 19
7、一些佛思哲理的话 23
8、具有禅意的场景 27
结 论 29
致 谢 30
注 释: 31
参考文献 34
引 言
科技越来越统治着人类,人性越来越不得不去适应日新月异的新机器。人们活的越来越充忙,生活被简化为尽快的赚钱和尽快的花钱。沉思成为奢侈,回味变成浪费。生活节奏加快了,然而却没有了生活,天天与人争分夺秒 ,岁岁却感到年华虚度,心灵的原野一片荒芜。于是越来越多的人感到精神疲惫,要发狂,变态极端的人越来越多。人心日益浮躁,情感日益冷漠。
关键词:佛教文化 宽恕仁爱 平民化 古龙精神
This text is mainly to analyze the GuLong’s Buddhistic love knots from the small things of GuLong’s life and works of GuLong’s mature period,and demonstrate the Buddhistic culture and the Buddhistic thought from its visible and invisible performances. It is emphatically proved that gulong ’s Buddhistic culture for example to Buddhistic culture sentiment to make an appeal to in work’s person, language, scene etc. Aspect. Moreover, return with the speech, some writers, critics, scholars that friend's relatives of gulong ,especially knight errants on the net fancier of right and gulong of the critique come explaining the gulong’s spirit of gulong works in the connection that the Buddhism, the direct and the indirectly , the Buddhist of oneself the method righteousness is with the evocative culture that the Buddhistic spirit.
Keywords: The Buddhistic Culture Forgive and Kindheartedness The Gulong Spirit The Civilian's Spirit
目 录
引 言 1
一、古龙与佛教文化 1
二、古龙小说与佛教文化 3
1、佛寺和僧人 3
2、谈佛论道 4
3、佛门机锋 7
4、平等宽恕的佛陀思想 9
5、热爱美好生命 尊重快乐生活 14
6、善良、希望、积极、勇气、正义——佛教文化的人生精神 19
7、一些佛思哲理的话 23
8、具有禅意的场景 27
结 论 29
致 谢 30
注 释: 31
参考文献 34
引 言
科技越来越统治着人类,人性越来越不得不去适应日新月异的新机器。人们活的越来越充忙,生活被简化为尽快的赚钱和尽快的花钱。沉思成为奢侈,回味变成浪费。生活节奏加快了,然而却没有了生活,天天与人争分夺秒 ,岁岁却感到年华虚度,心灵的原野一片荒芜。于是越来越多的人感到精神疲惫,要发狂,变态极端的人越来越多。人心日益浮躁,情感日益冷漠。