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〔9〕 Fox MW,Onofrio BM,Hanssen AD.Clinical outcomes and radiological
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〔10〕 McCulloch JA.Posterolateral uninstrumented lumbar fusion:A soft
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〔12〕 Airakssinen O,Herno A,Turunen V.Surgical outcome if 438 patient
s treated surgically for lumbar spinal stenosis[J].Spine,1997,22:2 27
8~2 282.
〔13〕 Katz JN,Lipson SJ,Brick GW,et al.Clinical correlates of patient
osis [J].Spine,1995,20:1 155~1 160.
〔14〕 Atlas SJ,Deyo RA,Keller RB.The Maine lumbar spine study,partⅢ.
1-year outcomes of surgical and nonsurgical management of lumbar spinal
stenosis[J].Spine,1996,21:1 787~1 795.
〔15〕 Katz JN,Lipson SJ,Lew RA,et al. Lumbar laminectomy alone or wit
h instrumented or non-instrumented arthrodes is degenertive lumbar spin
al stenosis.Patient selection,costs,and surgical outcomes[J].Spine,19
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〔16〕 Postacchini F.Management of lumbar spinal stenosis[J].J Bone
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〔17〕 Whitecloud TS,Davis JM,Olive PM.Operative treatment of the dege
nerated segment adjacent to a lumbar fusion[J].Spine,1994,19:531~536
〔18〕 Frazier DD,Lipson SJ,Fossel AH,et al.Associations between spina
l deformity and outcome 《腰椎管狭窄治疗进展(第3页)》
~1 356.
〔6〕 McCulloch JA.Microdecompression and uninstrumented single level
fusion for spinal canal stenosis with degenerative spondylolisthesis[J
].Spine,1998,23(20):2 243~2 252.
〔7〕 Sato K,Kikuchi S.Clinical analysis of two-level compression of t
he cauda equina and the nerve roots in lumbar spinal canal stenosis[J]
.Spine,1997,22:1 898~1 904.
〔8〕 Fischgrund JS,Mackay M,Herkowitz HN,et al.Degenerative lumbar sp
ondylolisthesis with spinal stenosis:A prospective,randomized study com
paring arthrodesis with and without instrumentation[J].Spine,1997,22:
2 807~2 812.
〔9〕 Fox MW,Onofrio BM,Hanssen AD.Clinical outcomes and radiological
instability following decompressive lumbar laminectomy for degenerative
spine stenosis:A comparison of patients undergoing concomitant arthrod
esis versus decompression alone[J].J Neurosurg,1996,85:793~802.
〔10〕 McCulloch JA.Posterolateral uninstrumented lumbar fusion:A soft
tissue envelope technique[J].Spine,1997,22:397~422.
〔11〕 Grob D,Jumke T,Dvorak J.Degenerative lumber spinal stenosis:Dec
ompression with and without arthrodesis[J].J Bone Joint Surg(Am),1995
,77:1 036~1 041.
〔12〕 Airakssinen O,Herno A,Turunen V.Surgical outcome if 438 patient
s treated surgically for lumbar spinal stenosis[J].Spine,1997,22:2 27
8~2 282.
〔13〕 Katz JN,Lipson SJ,Brick GW,et al.Clinical correlates of patient
> satisfaction following laminectomy for degenerative lumbar spinal sten
osis [J].Spine,1995,20:1 155~1 160.
〔14〕 Atlas SJ,Deyo RA,Keller RB.The Maine lumbar spine study,partⅢ.
1-year outcomes of surgical and nonsurgical management of lumbar spinal
stenosis[J].Spine,1996,21:1 787~1 795.
〔15〕 Katz JN,Lipson SJ,Lew RA,et al. Lumbar laminectomy alone or wit
h instrumented or non-instrumented arthrodes is degenertive lumbar spin
al stenosis.Patient selection,costs,and surgical outcomes[J].Spine,19
97,22:1 123-1 131.
〔16〕 Postacchini F.Management of lumbar spinal stenosis[J].J Bone
Joint Surg(Br),1996,75:154~164
〔17〕 Whitecloud TS,Davis JM,Olive PM.Operative treatment of the dege
nerated segment adjacent to a lumbar fusion[J].Spine,1994,19:531~536
〔18〕 Frazier DD,Lipson SJ,Fossel AH,et al.Associations between spina
l deformity and outcome 《腰椎管狭窄治疗进展(第3页)》