关键词:萨斯 传媒 新闻自由 国家秘密
Abstract: The crisis of SARS urges people to think over the question why would Chinese media fall into a dilemma between protecting pubic benefit and keeping state secrets. It is inevitable for Chinese media's failing to report SARS in the early time, because without permission from the departments of the Party and government, the media cannot report significant issues. The laws and regulations which discipline an identical and authorized reporting on the situation of plagues makes the media fail to report. The Law on Keeping Secrets makes it difficult for the media to report on their own. The freedom of reporting is beyond the protection it deserves. Two approaches can broaden the freedom of reporting: one is to minimize administrative interferences so as to achieve the stage that no bans and prohibitions come from laws, i.e., the stage of freedom; the other is to set up the principle that "public benefit can be served as defense against being charged".
Key Words: SARS Media Press Freedom State Secrets
早在2002年的11月16日,广东佛山就出现了一例后来被认定为萨斯的病例。12月15日,来自河源紫金县的黄杏初和郭杜程因为相同的病症,住进了河源市人民医院。随着病情发展,他们被分别转入了广州和深圳的医院。其后,在河源有7名医务人员被感染。元旦刚过,在接受河源病人的广州的一家医院,发现与这名病人有过接触的8个人都被感染了,其中还有5名医务人员。直到1月21日,广东省卫生厅才用文件的形式,向各医院发布第一个 《从萨斯危机看新闻自由与保守国家秘密》
关键词:萨斯 传媒 新闻自由 国家秘密
Abstract: The crisis of SARS urges people to think over the question why would Chinese media fall into a dilemma between protecting pubic benefit and keeping state secrets. It is inevitable for Chinese media's failing to report SARS in the early time, because without permission from the departments of the Party and government, the media cannot report significant issues. The laws and regulations which discipline an identical and authorized reporting on the situation of plagues makes the media fail to report. The Law on Keeping Secrets makes it difficult for the media to report on their own. The freedom of reporting is beyond the protection it deserves. Two approaches can broaden the freedom of reporting: one is to minimize administrative interferences so as to achieve the stage that no bans and prohibitions come from laws, i.e., the stage of freedom; the other is to set up the principle that "public benefit can be served as defense against being charged".
Key Words: SARS Media Press Freedom State Secrets
早在2002年的11月16日,广东佛山就出现了一例后来被认定为萨斯的病例。12月15日,来自河源紫金县的黄杏初和郭杜程因为相同的病症,住进了河源市人民医院。随着病情发展,他们被分别转入了广州和深圳的医院。其后,在河源有7名医务人员被感染。元旦刚过,在接受河源病人的广州的一家医院,发现与这名病人有过接触的8个人都被感染了,其中还有5名医务人员。直到1月21日,广东省卫生厅才用文件的形式,向各医院发布第一个 《从萨斯危机看新闻自由与保守国家秘密》