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型 多尿polyuria 20 100.80(100.00) 7.10(50.00) 249.99(100.00) 15.26(63.64)
恢复recovery 26 269.12(100.00) 5.53(41.67) 386.53(100.00) 7.48(54.55)
综算total 93 80.06(91.18) 8.24(50.00) 148.64(95.65) 12.51(67.39)
type of
antibody 病期
phase of
illness 病例数
numbers of
case 重型severe (positive rate)(%) 合计total (positive rate)(%)
antibody CIC
antigen specific 抗体specific
antibody CIC
antigen specific
发热fever 38 56.57(2/2) 0.00(0/2) 59.79(92.11) 5.51(44.74)
休克少尿 14 28.99(80.00) 43.94(80.00) 67.87(92.86) 27.40(85.71)
shock & oilguria
IgA型 多尿polyuria 25 507.97(100.00) 40.00(100.00) 229.44(100.00) 28.20(80.00)
恢复recovery 31 320.00(100.00) 26.75(75.00) 292.62(100.00) 20.05(70.93)
综算total 108 116.96(92.86) 21.76(71.43) 132.54(96.30) 14.33(65.74)

发热fever 35 160.00(2/2) 56.57(2/2) 45.11(85.71) 14.61(65/71)
休克少尿 12 160.00(100.00) 69.64(100.00) 151.04(100.00) 25.72(83.33)
shock & oilguria
IgE型 多尿polyuria 20 507.97(100.00) 7.37(66.67) 211.72(100.00) 10.88(65.00)
恢复recovery 26 640.00(100.00) 9.28(66.67) 346.64(100.00) 6.67(50.00)
综算total 93 287.63(100.00) 45.37(84.62) 130.01(94.61) 11.85(63.44)

注:( )外数字为GMT值,( )内数字为检出率。
Note: The numbers out of the parenthesis are the values of GMT (Geometric Mean Titer) and the numbers in the parenthesis are the positive rate.
2.2 不同病日检出结果。见表3。

表3 不同病日HFRS患者血清特异性IgA、IgE抗体及其特异性
Table 3 The results of specific IgA, IgE antibodies and specific circulating immune complex on different days of illness in HFRS patients

type of
antibody 病日
days of
illness 病例数
numbers of
case 轻型slight (positive rate)(%) 中型middle (positive rate)(%)
antibody CIC
antigen specific 抗体specific
antibody CIC
antigen specific
0~ 10 126.96(100.00) 5.63(33.33) 11.70(2/3) 7.37(1/3)
4~ 40 104.39(100.00) 18.36(61.54) 50.98(95.24) 4.60(47.62)
IgA 8~ 21 319.89(100.00) 26.75(75.00) 174.44(100.00) 11.93(62.50)
型 12~ 19 289.75(100.00) 22.87(71.43) 170.36(100.00) 23.20(81.82)
16~ 11 320.00(2/2) 160.00(2/2) 201.57(100.00) 24.28(83.33)
20~28 7 905.10(2/2) 28.28(2/2) 403.17(100.00) 6.84(33.33)
综算total 108 204.08(100.00) 18.88(66.67) 96.47(94.23) 10.05(63.46)

0~ 10 27.25(83.33) 14.74(66.67) 23.39(2/3) 40.00(2/3)
4~ 36 36.06(81.82) 15.26(63.64) 84.14(94.74) 15.15(73.68)
IgE 8~ 15 148.14(100.00) 7.01(44.44) 228.03(100.00) 7.61(40.00)
型 12~ 18 226.40(100.00) 2.08(16.67) 319.92(100.00) 18.82(72.73)
16~ 8 320.00(1/

1) 40.00(1/1) 320.00(100.00) 6.93(60.00)
20~28 6 640.00(1/1) 0.00(0/1) 285.08(100.00) 2.71(33.33)
综算total 93 80.06(91.18) 8.24(50.00) 148.64(95.65) 12.51(67.39)
type of
antibody 病期
days of
illness 病例数
numbers of
case 重型severe (positive rate)(%) 合计total (positive rate)(%)
antibody CIC
antigen specific 抗体specific
antibody CIC
antigen specific
0~ 10 80.00(1/1) 0.00(0/1) 59.29(90.00) 3.81(40.00)
4~ 40 30.60(83.33) 23.39(66.67) 59.61(92.50) 9.20(57.50)
IgA 8~ 21 1280.00(1/1) 160.00(1/1) 271.24(10.00) 21.42(71.43)
型 12~ 19 40.00(1/1) 40.00(1/1) 191.97(100.00) 23.75(78.95)
16~ 11 403.20(3/3) 18.57(2/3) 268.47(100.00) 31.79(81.82)
20~28 7 640.00(2/2) 28.28(2/2) 579.66(100.00) 15.39(71.43)
综算total 108 116.96(92.86) 21.76(71.43) 132.85(96.30) 14.33(65.74)


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