9 小结
1 Ruszniewski P, Laucournet H, Mignon M, et al. Long-acting somatost
atin(SMS 201-955) in the management of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: evid
ence for Sustained efficacy. Pancreas,1988;3(2):145
2 Vinik AL, Lloyd R, Cho K. The use of somatostatin analog in gastro
enteropancreatic tumors other than carcinoid. Metabolism,1990;39(9 su
3 Mozell EJ, Katz MD, Baxter JN, et al. Long-term efficacy of octreo
tide in the treatment of Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome. Arch Surg,1992;1
4 Fluckiger A. Long-term therapy of a metastasizing pancreatic vipom
a using the somatostatin derivative octreotide. Schwei Med Wochenschr,
5 Maton PN, Hanks JB, Jekins SA, et al. Use of gut peptide receptor
agonists and antagonists in gastrointestinal disease. Gastroentreol Cli
n North Am,1992;21:551
6 Kvols LK, Becher V, Steer ML. Treatment of the malignant carcinoid
Syndrome. NEJM,1986;315:663
7 Kvols LK. Therapeutic considerations for malignant carcinoid syndr
ome. Acta Oncol,1989;28(3):433
8 Yinik A, Binder M, Choil TK, et al. Treatment of the carcinoid syn
drome with the somatostatin analogue. Dig Dis Sci,1989;34(1):14
9 Joensum H, Burroughs AK. Dramatic response of a metastatic careimo
id tumor to a comibnation of interferon and octreotide. Acta Endocrinol
10 Glaser B, Rosler A, Halperin Y. Chronic treatment of a benign ins
ulinoma using the longacting somatostatin 
ed Sci,1990;26(1):16
11 Verschoor L, Uitterlinden P, Lamberts SW, et al. On the use of a
new somatostatin analogue in the treatment of hypoglycaemia in patients
with insulinoma. Chin Endocrinool,1986;25(5):555
12 Vance ML. Long-term treatment of 18 acromegalic patients with the
somatostatin analog octreotide. Arch In 《奥曲肽治疗消化系内分泌肿瘤进展(第2页)》
9 小结
1 Ruszniewski P, Laucournet H, Mignon M, et al. Long-acting somatost
atin(SMS 201-955) in the management of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: evid
ence for Sustained efficacy. Pancreas,1988;3(2):145
2 Vinik AL, Lloyd R, Cho K. The use of somatostatin analog in gastro
enteropancreatic tumors other than carcinoid. Metabolism,1990;39(9 su
3 Mozell EJ, Katz MD, Baxter JN, et al. Long-term efficacy of octreo
tide in the treatment of Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome. Arch Surg,1992;1
4 Fluckiger A. Long-term therapy of a metastasizing pancreatic vipom
a using the somatostatin derivative octreotide. Schwei Med Wochenschr,
5 Maton PN, Hanks JB, Jekins SA, et al. Use of gut peptide receptor
agonists and antagonists in gastrointestinal disease. Gastroentreol Cli
n North Am,1992;21:551
6 Kvols LK, Becher V, Steer ML. Treatment of the malignant carcinoid
Syndrome. NEJM,1986;315:663
7 Kvols LK. Therapeutic considerations for malignant carcinoid syndr
ome. Acta Oncol,1989;28(3):433
8 Yinik A, Binder M, Choil TK, et al. Treatment of the carcinoid syn
drome with the somatostatin analogue. Dig Dis Sci,1989;34(1):14
9 Joensum H, Burroughs AK. Dramatic response of a metastatic careimo
id tumor to a comibnation of interferon and octreotide. Acta Endocrinol
10 Glaser B, Rosler A, Halperin Y. Chronic treatment of a benign ins
ulinoma using the longacting somatostatin 
;analogue SMS 201-955. Isr J M
ed Sci,1990;26(1):16
11 Verschoor L, Uitterlinden P, Lamberts SW, et al. On the use of a
new somatostatin analogue in the treatment of hypoglycaemia in patients
with insulinoma. Chin Endocrinool,1986;25(5):555
12 Vance ML. Long-term treatment of 18 acromegalic patients with the
somatostatin analog octreotide. Arch In 《奥曲肽治疗消化系内分泌肿瘤进展(第2页)》