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〔13〕杨小毅,杨永宗,涂玉林,等.硝普钠对培养的猪主动脉平滑肌细胞增 殖的
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量及其 临床意义.中国危重病急救医学,1999,11(1):39-41??
义.中国 危重病急救医学,1999,11(9):520-522??
〔4〕Jones C J H,DeFily D V,Patterson J L,?et al?.Endothelium-depend
ent relaxation competes with α1- and α2adrenergic cons triction in th
e canine epicardial coronary microcirculation.Circulation,1993,87: 1264
〔5〕Parent R,Al Obaidi M,Lavallee M.Nitric oxide formation contribu te
s to β- adrenergic dilation of resistance coronary vessels in consciou
s dogs.Circ Res, 1993,73:?241-251???
〔6〕Lefroy D C,Crake T,Uren N G,?et al?.Effect of inhibition of nitr
ic oxide synthesis on epicardial coronary artery caliber and coronary b
lood flow in human s.Circulation,1993,88:43-54??
〔7〕Dinerman T L,Lowenstein C J,Snyder S H.Molecular mechanisms of nit
ric oxide regulation:potential relevance to cardiovascular disease.Circ
Res,1993,73:217 -224??
〔8〕Luscher T F,Wenzei R R,Noll G.Local regulation of the coronary cir
culation in health and disease:role of nitric oxide and endothelin.Eur
Heart J,1995,16 1(Suppl C):51-63??
〔9〕Toda N,Okamura T.Mechanism of neurally induced monkey mesenteric a
rtery re laxation and contraction.Hypertension,1992,19:161-173?[ZK)]?
〔10〕[ZK(#]Forstermann U,Mugge A,Alheid U,et al?.?Selective attenuat
ion o f endothelium-mediated vasodilation in atheroaclerotic human coro
nary arteries.Ci rc Res,1988,62:185-197??
〔11〕Minor R L,Myers P R,Guerra R,?et al?.Diet-induced atheroacler o
sis increase s the release of nitrogen o
xide from rabbit aorta.J Clin I
〔12〕Mugge A,Elwell J H,Peterson T E,?et al?.?Chronic treatment wit
h pol yethylene glycolated surperoxide dismutase partially restores end
othelium-dependent vascular relaxation in cholesterol-fed rabbits.Circ
Res,1991, 69:1293-1301??
〔13〕杨小毅,杨永宗,涂玉林,等.硝普钠对培养的猪主动脉平滑肌细胞增 殖的
〔14〕Joseph A L,William H F.Nitric oxide donors in the treatment of ca
rdiovascu lar and pulmonary diseases.Am Heart J,1995,129:604-616??
〔15〕DeCaterina R.Nitratesas thrombocyte function inhibitor.Zeitschrif
t Fur K ardiol,1994,83:463-475??
〔16〕Jean G D,Richard O C,Nabeen H,?e 《心血管一氧化氮异常及中西医结合治疗进展(第3页)》