ia Melburen:Lansdoene Press.
[3]Cordon,W.M.(1956),"Towards a History of Australian Press", Meanjin,Vol.15(Winter).
[4]Henningham, John (1993),"The Press"in Stuart Cunningham and Graeme Turner(eds),The Media in Australian Industries,Tests Audiences,Sydney:Allen and Unwin.
[5]参照:Gaylard,Geoff(1990),One Hundred and Fifty Years of News From The Herald,outhbank; souther, Gavin (1981),Company of Heralds: A Centry and a Half of History,Australian Publishing Melbourne University Press;Sayers,C.E(1965),DAvid Syme: A life, Melbourne: Cheshire; Munster, Geoge(1985),Rupert Murdoch: A Paper Prince,Vic:Thomas Nslson.
[6]Edgar,Patricai(1979),The Politics of the Press,South Melbourne: SunBooks.
[7]Windschuttle,Keith&Elizabeth(1981):Fixing the News,NSW: Cassell Australia Limited.
[8]Bill and Helen Wilson(1983): ustralian's Commercial Media,South Melbourne: Macmillan Company of Australia.
[9]1905 Newpaper Press Directorry of the British Empir.
[10]Cordon,W.M.(1956)"Towards a History of Australian Press",p.55.
[11]Henningham,John(1988),"Two Handred Years of Australian Journalism",Australian Cultural History,No.7.
[12]Sun Newspaper Limited,The Sun:1910-1929
[13]Mayer,The Pressin Australia,p.22.
[14]Belfield,R.,C.Hirdand Skelly(1991),Murdoch:The Decline of an Empire, UK.: Mocdonald.
[15]Henningham, John(1993),"The Press",p.17
[16]Brewster,Debgorah(1995),"Packer & Murdoch: The New Media Alliance", The Australian.
[17]Brewster, Deborah(1995), Packer & Murdoch: The New Media Alliance", The Australian.
[18]Australian Press Council Conference Papers (1989):Australian Media in the1990's,Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service,p.23.
[19]Henningham, John(1993), "The Press".
[20]Norris, J.G.(1981), Report of the Inquiry into Owner ship and Control of Newspapers in Victoria, Report to the Premier of Victoria, pp.217-8.
[21]Walsh, Max (1979), The Australian Fin 《兼并、新闻寡头和政府举措:当代澳大利亚报业研究(第6页)》
[3]Cordon,W.M.(1956),"Towards a History of Australian Press", Meanjin,Vol.15(Winter).
[4]Henningham, John (1993),"The Press"in Stuart Cunningham and Graeme Turner(eds),The Media in Australian Industries,Tests Audiences,Sydney:Allen and Unwin.
[5]参照:Gaylard,Geoff(1990),One Hundred and Fifty Years of News From The Herald,outhbank; souther, Gavin (1981),Company of Heralds: A Centry and a Half of History,Australian Publishing Melbourne University Press;Sayers,C.E(1965),DAvid Syme: A life, Melbourne: Cheshire; Munster, Geoge(1985),Rupert Murdoch: A Paper Prince,Vic:Thomas Nslson.
[6]Edgar,Patricai(1979),The Politics of the Press,South Melbourne: SunBooks.
[7]Windschuttle,Keith&Elizabeth(1981):Fixing the News,NSW: Cassell Australia Limited.
[8]Bill and Helen Wilson(1983): ustralian's Commercial Media,South Melbourne: Macmillan Company of Australia.
[9]1905 Newpaper Press Directorry of the British Empir.
[10]Cordon,W.M.(1956)"Towards a History of Australian Press",p.55.
[11]Henningham,John(1988),"Two Handred Years of Australian Journalism",Australian Cultural History,No.7.
[12]Sun Newspaper Limited,The Sun:1910-1929
[13]Mayer,The Pressin Australia,p.22.
[14]Belfield,R.,C.Hirdand Skelly(1991),Murdoch:The Decline of an Empire, UK.: Mocdonald.
[15]Henningham, John(1993),"The Press",p.17
[16]Brewster,Debgorah(1995),"Packer & Murdoch: The New Media Alliance", The Australian.
[17]Brewster, Deborah(1995), Packer & Murdoch: The New Media Alliance", The Australian.
[18]Australian Press Council Conference Papers (1989):Australian Media in the1990's,Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service,p.23.
[19]Henningham, John(1993), "The Press".
[20]Norris, J.G.(1981), Report of the Inquiry into Owner ship and Control of Newspapers in Victoria, Report to the Premier of Victoria, pp.217-8.
[21]Walsh, Max (1979), The Australian Fin 《兼并、新闻寡头和政府举措:当代澳大利亚报业研究(第6页)》