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4 Lisak RP, Bealmear B. Interleukin-1 alpha, but not interleukin-1
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6 Olmarker K, Blomquist J, Stromberg J et al. Inflammatogenic prope
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8 Meeting report:Inflammation and hyperalgesia:highlighting the t
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9 Watkins LR, Maier SF, Goehler LE. Immune activation: the role of
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10 Lee SC, Dickson DW, Bronsnan CF. Interleukin-1. nitric oxide and
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13 司军强,李之望.P物质对大鼠DRG神经元胞体膜的作用.生物学报,1996,
14 Trotti D, Voltera A,Lehre KP et al. Arachidonic acid inhibits a
purified and reconstituted glutamate transportet directly  《炎症在腰椎间盘突出症神经根损害中的作用(第2页)》
2 Satoh D, Konno s. Nishiyama K et al. Presence and distribution of
antigenantibody complexes in the herniated nucleus pulposus. Spine,199
9, 24 (19):1980-1984
3 Yoshizawa H, Kobayashi S, Morita T.Chronic nerve root compres-sio
n, Pathophysiologic mechanism of nerve root dysfunction. Spine,1995, 20
(4): 397-407
4 Lisak RP, Bealmear B. Interleukin-1 alpha, but not interleukin-1
beta, is a co-mitogen for neonatal Schwann cells in vitro and acts via
interleukin-1 receptors.J Neuroimmunol, 1994, 55(2):171-177
5 Lisak RP, Bealmear B. Antibodies to interleukin-1 inhibits cytoki
ne-induced proliferation of neonatal rat Shwann cells in vitro:J Neu-ro
immunol, 1991, 31(2):123-132
6 Olmarker K, Blomquist J, Stromberg J et al. Inflammatogenic prope
rties of nucleus pulposus.Spine, 1995, 20 (6):665-669
7 Kawakami M, Weinstein JN, Chatani KI et al. Experimental lum-bar
radicaulopathy:Behavioral and histologc changes in a model of radicula
r pain after spinal nerve root irritation with chromic gut liga-tures i
n the rat.Spine, 1994, 19(156):1795-1802
8 Meeting report:Inflammation and hyperalgesia:highlighting the t
eam effort.TIPS, 1993, 14:287-290
9 Watkins LR, Maier SF, Goehler LE. Immune activation: the role of
pro-inflammatory cytokinss in inflammation, illness responses and patho
logical pain states.Pain, 1995, 63:289-302
10 Lee SC, Dickson DW, Bronsnan CF. Interleukin-1. nitric oxide and
reactive astrocyte.Brain Behave Imnmune,1995,9 (4):345-354
11 Holthuthen H. Arndt JO. Nitric&
nbsp;oxide evokes pain in humas on int
ra-cutaneous injection.Neurosci Lett,1994,165:71-74
12 Whithe DM.Mechanism of prostaglandin E2-induced substance P rel
ease from cultured sensory neuros.Neurosci, 1996, 70 (2):561-565
13 司军强,李之望.P物质对大鼠DRG神经元胞体膜的作用.生物学报,1996,
14 Trotti D, Voltera A,Lehre KP et al. Arachidonic acid inhibits a
purified and reconstituted glutamate transportet directly  《炎症在腰椎间盘突出症神经根损害中的作用(第2页)》