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相关性:毕业论文,免费 《鞍区颗粒细胞瘤(第3页)》
[12]Doron Y, Behar A, Beller A[J]. Granular-cell “ myoblastoma” o
f the neurohypophysis. J Neurosurg, 1965,22:95.
[13]Glazer N, Hauser H.Slade H. Granular cell tumor of the neurohypop
hysis[J]. AJR, 1956,76:324.
[14]Rickert CH, Kuchelmeister K, Gullotta F. Morphological and immuno
histochemical characterization of granular cells in non-hypophyseal tum
ours of the central nervous system[J]. Histopathology, 1997,30(5):464
[15]Liss L, Kahn EA,Pituicytoma. A tumor of the sella turcica. A cli
nicopathological study[J]. J Neurosurg, 1958,15:481.
[16]Liwnicz BH, Liwnicz RG, Huff JS et al.Giant granular cell tumor o
f the suprasellar area. immunocytochemical and electron microscopic stu
dies[J]. Neurosurgery, 1984,15:246.
[17]Massie AP. A grannlar-cell pituicytoma of the neurohypophysis[J]
. J Pathol, 1979,129:53.
[19]Miettinen M, Lehtonen E, Lehtola H et al.Histogenesis of granular
cell tumour-an immunohistochemical and ulterastructural study[J]. J
Pathology, 1984,142:221.
[20]Stefansson K, Wollmann RL. S-100 protein in glanuar cell tumors (
Granular cell myoblastomas)[J]. Cancer,1982,49:1834.
[21]Nakazato Y, Ishizeki J, Takahashi K et al. Immunohistochemical lo
calization of s-100 protein in granular cell myoblastoma[J]. Cancer,1
[22]施作霖, 赵春利, 林振石 等. 颗粒细胞肌母细胞瘤的组织发生探讨[J].
中华肿瘤杂志, 1990,6:481.
[23]Mazur MT, shultz JJ, Myers JL. Granular&nbs
p;cell tumor:Immunohistoche
mical analysis of 21 benign tumors and one malignant tumor[J]. Arch P
athol Lab Med, 1990,114:692.
[24]Shuangshoti S, Chantra K, Navalitloha Y. Atypical granular cell t
umor of the neurohypophysis:a case report with review of the literature
[J]. J Med Assoc Thai, 1998,81(8):641.
[25]Abrikossoff A, Uber Myome. ausgehend von der querges-treiften wil
lkurlichen muskulatur[J]. Virchows Arch Pathol Anat, 1926,260:215.
[26]张天锡. 神经外科基础与临床[M]. 上海: 百家出版社,1991:91.
[27]Moriyama E, Matsumoto Y, Meguro T. Suprasellar granular cell tumo
r[J].Neurol Med chir Tokyo,1996,36(4):237
相关性:毕业论文,免费 《鞍区颗粒细胞瘤(第3页)》