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e of nitr ic oxide.Lancet,1992,339:1615-1616 相关性:毕业论文,免费毕业
or the biological ac tivity of endothelium relaxing factor.Nature,1987,
〔2〕Moncada S,Palmer R M J,Higgs E A.Nitric oxide:physiology,pathophy
siology a nd pharmacology.Pharmacol Rev,1991,43:109-112??
〔3〕Barnes P J.Neural mechanism in asthma.Br Med Bull,1992,48:149-1 5
〔4〕Forsterman U,Schmid H,Pollock J S,?et al?.Isoforms of nitric ox
ide synth ase:characterization and purification from different cell typ
e.Biochem Pharmacol ,1991,102:91-96??
核和呼吸 杂志,1997,20:153-156??
氮的研究 .中华内科杂志,1997,36:825-826??
〔7〕陈复辉,韩守信,吴晓梅,等 .支气管哮喘血浆一氧化氮含量变化及其临
床意义.中国危重病急救医学,1999,11(2) :125??
〔8〕Rodomski M W,Palmer P M J,Moncada S.Glucocorticoid inhibit the ex
pression of an inducible,but not the constitutive,nitric oxide synthase
in vascular endot helial cells.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,1990,87:10043-10
〔9〕Stephen J L,James R W,Wilkinson G M,et al.?Differential in vitro
regula tion by glucocorticoids of monocyte-derived cytokine generation
in gl ucocorticoid resistant bronchial asthma.Am Rev Respir Dis,1993,1
〔10〕Jorens P J,Van Overeld F J,Bult H,et al.L-Arginine dependent pr
oduction of nitrigen oxide by rat pulmonary ?macro? ??phages.?Eur
J Pharmacol,1991,200:205-210??
迫综合征 患者氧合功能的作用及血流动力学的安全性研究.中国危重病急救医学
态变化. 中国危重病急救医学,1999,11(12):?718-720???
〔13〕Anthony F M,Benjamin G,Dieter K,?et al?.Exp
ired nitric oxide le
vels duri ng treatment of acute asthma.Am J Respir Dis Crit Care Med,19
〔14〕Dupuy P M,Shore S A,Drazen J M,?et al.?Bronchodilator action
of inhal ed nitric oxide in guinea pigs.J Chin Invest,1992,90:421-425?
〔15〕Foubert L,Fleming B,Latimer R,?et al.?Safety guideline for us
e of nitr ic oxide.Lancet,1992,339:1615-1616 相关性:毕业论文,免费毕业