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 Characteristics and Problems of Developmentin The Discipline of Journalism and Communication in Contemporary China
内容提要 该文在简单回顾中国新闻传播研究的历史进程后,重点阐述了中国新闻传播学进入“多角度学术化发展阶段”(1992年至今)的十个标志性情况,分析了近年自然形成的四方面的话题。文章最后,谈到新闻传播学研究中存在的五个问题。作者认为,传播现象贯穿于与人类相关的一切事物和活动中,各个学科都面临着从本学科角度出发的各自的传播问题。现在尽管在学科管理上还有新闻学、传播学的区分,但新闻学和传播学的融合已是现实,新闻传播学进入各个学科或借鉴其他学科而丰富自身,也成为趋势。
Abstract: In the first part of this paper, there is a brief historical retrospect of the journalism and communication research in China. Then the paper dwells on ten representative things during "the course of multi-dimensional academic development" (from 1992 to now) and four problems formed gradually in recent years in the discipline. In the end it speaks of five problems exsited in the research. The point is made that the phenomenon of communication impenetrates all the human activities and things, and all disciplines are in the face of their own communication problems from their own discipline perspectives. At present,there is still the distinction between journalism and communication according to the discipline management, but there has been the actuality that journalism and communication are syncretizing. There is also a trend that the discipline of journalism and communicaton is coming into and learning from other disciplines for its self development.



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