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tagonists attenuate subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced cerebral vasospasm.
Stroke, 1998, 29(9): 1924-1929.?
7 Kikkawa K, Saito A, Iwasaki H, et al. Prevention of cerebral vasospas
m by a novel endothelin receptor antagonist, TA-0201. J Cardiovasc Pha
rmacol, 1999, 34(5): 666-673.?
8 Zimmermann M. Endothelin in cerebral vasospasm. Clinical and experime
ntal results. J Neurosurg Sci, 1997, 41(2): 139-151.?
9 Kita T, Kubo K, Hiramatsu K, et al. Profiles of an intravenously ?av
ai-? lable endothelin A-receptor antagonist, S-0139, for preventing ce
rebral vasospasm in a canine two-hemorrhage model. Life Sci, 1998, 63(4
): 305-315.?
10 Sato S, Yonetani Y, Fujimoto M, et al. Effects of an endothelin ETA-
Receptor antagonist, S-0139, on cerebral vasospasm and behavioral chang
es in dogs intracisternally administered endothelin-1. Life Sci, 1998,
62(13): PL191-197.
11 Ogihara K, Barnanke DH, Zubkov AY, et al. Effect of endothelin recep
tor antagonists on non-muscle matrix compaction in a cell culture vasos
pasm model. Neurol Res, 2000, 22(2): 209-214.?
12 Josko J, Hendryk S, Jedrzejowska-Szypula H, et al. Influence endothe
lin ETA receptor antagonist - BQ-123 - on changes of endothelin-1 level
in plasma of rats with acute vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrha
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13 Shaw MD, Vermeulen M, Murray GD, et al. Efficacy and safety of the e
ndothelin, receptor antagonist TAK-044 in treating subarachnoid hemorrh
age: a report by the Steering Committee on behalf of the UK/Netherlands
/Eire TAK-044 Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Study Group. J Neurosurg, 2000,
93(6): 992-997.?
14 Hino A, Weir BK, Macdonald RL, et al. Prospective, randomized, doubl
e-blind trial of BQ-123 and bosentan for prevention of vasospasm follow
ing subarachnoid hemorrhage in monkeys. J Neurosurg, 1995, 83(3): 503-5