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蒋达德(1990) ﹕<积极发挥广播在外宣中的作用>《开放与传播(电子版)》http://www.fujian-window.com刘康﹑李希光(2000)﹕<新媒体挑战旧宣传>﹐《国际新闻界》﹐2﹕5-10顾耀铭﹑杨元华(1999) ﹕<加强与亚太媒体的沟通与合作>﹐《国际新闻界》﹐1﹔5-9。
Amunugama, S.(1981) News exchange among Asian countries. In Rolf Scheller (Ed.). News in Asia: A Study of 10 countries. P68. Singapore: Parklane Press.
Boyd-Barrett,O. (1992). Contra-flow in Global News: International and Regional News Exchange Mechanisms. London: Jone Libbey & Co. Ltd.
Boyd-Barrett,O. (1979).Media imperialism: towards an international framework for the analysis of media system. In James Current et. Al (Eds). Mass Communication and Society. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage
Chan, J.M. (1996). Television in greater China: structure,exports,and market formation. In Sinclair.J.et al (Eds). New Patterns in global Television: Peripheral Vision. New York: Oxford University Press.
Chang, T.K. (1998). All countries not created to be news. Communication Research, 25,528-563.Frank, A.G: Wallerstein, I. (1974). The Modern World System. New York: Academic Press.
Galtung, J. (1992) Global Glasnost: Toward a New World Information and Communication Order? Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Galtung, J. (1971). A structural theory of imperialism. Journal of Peace Research, 8,81-118.Hur,K.K. (1984). A critical analysis of international new flow research. Critical Studies in Mass Communication. 1,356-378.
Kang, N,& Choi,J.H.(1991). Structural implications of the crossposting network of international news in cyberspace. Communication Research, 26,454-481.
Kim,K.,& Barnett, G.A. 《从边缘走向中心:全球化下中国国际新闻传播对策思考(第7页)》
李 瞻(1986) ﹕《国际传播》。台北﹕三民书局。
南 子 (1997) ﹕<把地球管起来-记新华社国际部>﹐《国际新闻界》﹐2﹔25-29。
郭镇之(1997) ﹕<全球电视传播环境对中国与加拿大的影响>﹐《国际新闻界》﹐5﹕19-24。
孙旭培(2001) ﹕<入世对我国新闻的影响及对策思考>﹐「中国传媒法的发展与展望」论文。香港﹐港大法学院。
张允若(1998) ﹕<国际新闻传播﹕跨世纪的飞跃与挑战>﹐《国际新闻界》﹐1﹕5-9。
彭 芸(民80) ﹕《国际传播与科技》。台北﹕三民书局。
新华通讯社(2001) ﹕<新华社简介> (online)
蒋达德(1990) ﹕<积极发挥广播在外宣中的作用>《开放与传播(电子版)》http://www.fujian-window.com刘康﹑李希光(2000)﹕<新媒体挑战旧宣传>﹐《国际新闻界》﹐2﹕5-10顾耀铭﹑杨元华(1999) ﹕<加强与亚太媒体的沟通与合作>﹐《国际新闻界》﹐1﹔5-9。
Amunugama, S.(1981) News exchange among Asian countries. In Rolf Scheller (Ed.). News in Asia: A Study of 10 countries. P68. Singapore: Parklane Press.
Boyd-Barrett,O. (1992). Contra-flow in Global News: International and Regional News Exchange Mechanisms. London: Jone Libbey & Co. Ltd.
Boyd-Barrett,O. (1979).Media imperialism: towards an international framework for the analysis of media system. In James Current et. Al (Eds). Mass Communication and Society. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage
Chan, J.M. (1996). Television in greater China: structure,exports,and market formation. In Sinclair.J.et al (Eds). New Patterns in global Television: Peripheral Vision. New York: Oxford University Press.
Chang, T.K. (1998). All countries not created to be news. Communication Research, 25,528-563.Frank, A.G: Wallerstein, I. (1974). The Modern World System. New York: Academic Press.
Galtung, J. (1992) Global Glasnost: Toward a New World Information and Communication Order? Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Galtung, J. (1971). A structural theory of imperialism. Journal of Peace Research, 8,81-118.Hur,K.K. (1984). A critical analysis of international new flow research. Critical Studies in Mass Communication. 1,356-378.
Kang, N,& Choi,J.H.(1991). Structural implications of the crossposting network of international news in cyberspace. Communication Research, 26,454-481.
Kim,K.,& Barnett, G.A. 《从边缘走向中心:全球化下中国国际新闻传播对策思考(第7页)》