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thione perioxidase and lipid peroxides in the brain of mice preconditio
ned by hypoxia. Biol Signals Recept, 1999, 8(4-5): 256-260.?
16 Rauca C, Zerbe R, Jantze H, et al. The importance of free hydroxyl r
adicals to hypoxia preconditioning. Brain Res, 2000, 868(1): 147-149.?
17 Garnier P, Demougeot C, Bertrand N, et al. Stress response to hypoxi
a in gerbil brain: HO-1 and MnSOD expression and glial activation. Brai
n Res, 2001, 893(1-2): 301-309.?
18 Riepe MW, Ludolph AC. Chemical preconditioning: a cytoprotective str
ategy. Mol Cell Biochem, 1997, (1-2): 249-54.?
19 Gage AT, Stanton PK. Hypoxia triggers neuroprotective alterations in
hippocampal gene expression via a heme-containing sensor. Brain Res, 1
996, 719(1-2): 172-178.?
20 Wada T, Kondoh T, Tamaki N. Ischemic “cross” tolerance in hypoxic
ischemia of immature rat brain. Brain Res, 1999, 847(2): 299-307.