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The Collectivizationa and De-collectivization in Rural China

agricultural labor continues to grow in villages, slowing down the progress of rural industrialization and urbanization, which are still the aim of Chinese reform.
Since the inadequacy of property rights encumbers the rural reform process, further clarification of land rights will undoubtedly be a key issue. Although this question is still very controversial and disputed, if there will be no essential change, it is likely that the rural development process in China will continue to be frustrated and might result in a new round crisis in rural China.

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7, www.liv.ac.uk/history
8, www.dfat.gov.au/publications/catalogue
9, www.rcre.org.cn/
10, www.chinacountry.com/
11, intellectual.members.easyspace.com/danggy/on%20rural%20collective%20property.htm
12, www.cp.org.cn/pool/bsjj.htm
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The Collectivizationa and De-collectivization in Rural China(第16页)

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