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作者简介:姜笃银(1963-),男(汉族),江苏省泰州市人,医学博士后,副主任医 师,主要从事创伤修复失控机制和临床应用研究,Tel:139治理发愣功15600,13683589368;E-mail:jdybs @163.com。 摘自:急救快车 (.00026000W03.)
〔17〕Klint P,Claesson-Welsh L.Signal transduction by fibroblast gro wth factor receptors〔J〕.Front Biosci,1999,4:?D165-177.?
〔18〕Schlessinger J,Plotnikov A N,Ibrahimi O A,et al.Crystal structure of a ternary FGF-FGFR-heparin complex reveals a dual role for heparin in FGFR binding and dimerizati on〔J〕.Mol Cell,2000,?6(3):743-750.?
〔19〕Freeman M.Feedback control of intercellular signalling in development〔J 〕.Nature,2000,408(6810):313-319.?
〔20〕Casci T,Vinos J,Freeman M.Sprouty,an intracellular inhibitor of Ras sign aling〔J〕.Cell,1999,96(5):655-665.?
〔21〕Minowada G,Jarvis L A,Chi C L,et al.Vertebrate Sprouty genes are indu ced by FGF signaling and can cause chondrodys plasia when overexpressed〔J〕.Development,1999,126(20):4465-4475.?
作者简介:姜笃银(1963-),男(汉族),江苏省泰州市人,医学博士后,副主任医 师,主要从事创伤修复失控机制和临床应用研究,Tel:139治理发愣功15600,13683589368;E-mail:jdybs @163.com。 摘自:急救快车 (.00026000W03.)