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nbsp;                  Though the earth is in deep sleeping at night,

烛光却与群星辉映。                   candles are shinning with the stars together.

昔日的战友怀着沉痛的心情,           The former comrade-in-arms are giving him a wake

为沈星,为战友守灵。                 With heavy hearts


南阳的河水今天特别宁静,             Nanyang river is very quiet today.

树上的千纸鹤也悲泪盈盈。             The paper cranes in the tree are running sad tears.

一个军人用他的行动展现了钢铁军魂,   A soldier shows the steel army spirit with his actions

一个儿子把他的真爱献给了人民。       A son takes his love to his people.

苍天为之震惊,                       Heaven is shocked by it.

大地为之悲恸。                       The ground is sorrow for it,

他,党的好儿子——沈星,             He, a good son of the party——Shen Xing

赢得了亿万人民的尊敬。               won the respect of hundreds of millions of people. 《关于沈星的诗歌(中英文):有位英雄名叫沈星(第2页)》


  • 上一篇范文: 学习沈星心得体会
  • 下一篇范文: 关于沈星英雄救人的事迹

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